Chapter 1: A New Regime

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Quick Recap: (also it's dubbed in British English)

When we last saw our fateful heroes and villains, Peace Island was celebrating their annual independence celebration because well a long time ago.... Ok well I won't get into too much history so the basis is that:

A long time ago, warlords controlled Peace Island until Knight's Great Great grandfather led a revolution against them and promoted them to a life of peace hence why Peace Island doesn't have a military presence except for their defense forces and the police and royal guard.

So anyway, where was I? Oh right, so anyway, just celebrating and having a good time until big jerk mate: TechnoMaster

Hey! I heard that!

Sorry, had to be said, bruv!

Fine! Please continue, my good man!

Anyway, TechnoMaster and his army of robots and big criminals laid waste and started bombing the hell out of them and then took the city! The Peace Islanders tried to defend themselves but were no match so they immediately surrendered

After which, TechnoMaster ordered his forces to capture the royal family and Knight. The good news was that they captured the Royal Family and Peace City was therefore in TechnoMaster's control. So that was a victory.

The bad news however was that Knight managed to escape using a secret tunnel system far off into the jungle where he now runs off while TechnoMaster and his forces try to find him. Even though Knight escaping was a big failure, it didn't help matters that most of Knight's forces were scattered and in disarray.

To put it in basic terms, without Knight leading them, they had no chance of winning. So that's a bad thing.

At this point, you're probably asking "Well since Knight has fled like and I quote because TechnoMaster wrote this line "Like the waa waa baby he is" and that his forces are now shattered, TechnoMaster had the opportunity to take the island over and this is all being watched by the rest of the world who seem a bit skeptical and are in a panic.

Everyone just hopes that whatever happens, doesn't lead into a war. Because let's be honest: The world may have numbers but TechnoMaster has the firepower and technology hence his name. Plus his weapons are very advanced.

So now onto your regular televised program:

(Peace City, Peace Island, 2 days after the invasion)

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(Peace City, Peace Island, 2 days after the invasion)

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