Chapter 7: A terrifying message

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Knight: Alright, just put it over there with the rest!

Peace Island Rebel: Yes sir!

Tom: Knight, they're here!

Tom: Knight, they're here!

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Knight: So how'd it go?

Michael: We managed to take out that convoy! Rescued a few people from being deported!

Knight: How many losses, Captain?

Michael: Lost two at least. Jerry got hit in the leg by a sniper! I'm taking him to med bay!

Knight: You do that! And good work!

Michael: Thanks!

Angela: I wonder how long this war is gonna last.

Knight: You and me both, Angela. You and me both.

Terry: Sir, we need to consider doing something hard on TechnoMaster! A few banged up robots and ambushing patrols isn't enough to take down TechnoMaster or his Underworld goons! We gotta go hard!

Aisha: Yeah right! Like just march up there and expect us to get killed while we at it?!!

Knight: Aisha is right, we aren't well prepared nor equipped for that kind of offensive! TechnoMaster already has a growing number at hand and that number is gonna keep rising! So for now, hit and run tactics are all we can afford!

Bob: But for how long?! Even out there, hit and run tactics prove ineffective as such! I mean we just lost a lot of guys back in our last ambush! And I don't wanna be that guy but TechnoMaster is very advanced and he has weapons we have never seen or heard of or even fought off before!

All: Yeah!!!

His weapons are too OP!!!

It's gonna be a meat grinder!!!

We already have lost the invasion! How can we fight back?!

We have to at least try!

Oh right, I ain't getting killed for this!

Knight: Guys, I know that it's been hard a few rough days but we have to keep our spirits up! Every second we quarrel, The Underworld Society has already destroyed another village! Our homes, property, everything! We all have families there who are in trouble and they need our help! We have to stop fighting each other and take it to the enemy!



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