The Sun

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Smiling at the man in front of him, he was completely captivated by his younger friend's magnificent beauty. There was a light airy feeling tugging at his heart. Chimon couldn't take his attention away.

His eyes filled with admiration as he watched each movement of Perth.

They were alone. Just the two of them, spending time together, secure in each others presence, listening to their low breathing and acknowledging their smallest movements. Just Perth shining his guitar with Chimon watching from a few feet away.

"You're radiating, Perth" he mumbled to him.

Pulling his gaze up to meet Chimon's kind eyes, a big smile slowly curved onto Perth's lips. Their gazes met in the middle, only a meter between them, Perth leaned forward, just a bit. "What do you mean, Chi?"

Chimon smiled shyly, "You're warm. Like the sun." He slowly shooter his chair towards him. It was an automatic pull, kind of like Perth was his center of gravity. "You pull everyone to you."

Then his eyes traveled along the curve of Perth's cheek, down his neck, along his arms, and to the hands on his guitar.

"Tanapon, your smile brightens everything around you. Just like the sun."

Perth tossed the polishing rag to the side. "You're too sweet Chi. Though, I'm not nearly that good."

"You are, Perth. You have this aura that changes everything and everyone around you. You make people happy just by smiling. You somehow give people this boost of energy like you're sending vitamins to them. I- I don't know how to explain it." He looked to Perth, watching his smile become bigger and heavenly twinkles form in his eyes. "Your magnificent Perth. You're my sun. The one thing that keeps me going."

Behind The Scenes Moments - PerthChimonWhere stories live. Discover now