This Bao Is For Me

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A/N: This one is finally making it out of my drafts. I didn't think about it until now, but Bao might have different names in other countries. I hope my readers all know of steamed buns as Bao. Or maybe that's their only name 🤔

Anyway, this short one is loosely based on the picture of Chimon feeding Marc.

Hope you like it ❤️😉________

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Hope you like it ❤️😉

In Ohm's front yard there was an assortment of different foods set up on a long table. Many people gathered in the grassy area for the small get together.

Thirty minutes after it began, Chimon walked in with Papang and Marc. They greeted Ohm and many other people they know.

Perth quickly talked with them since he was already there before them. He stood at Chimon's side, with his right arm flung around his shoulders.

But then, Prom and Gemini waved at him, calling him over.

"I'll be back soon," Perth said as he rubbed Chimon's backside. Then, he greeted his friends.

After that, Chimon and Marc looked over the variety of food options. There was of course skewers of grilled pork, then some sushi rolls, pork baozi, and small colorful macarons.

Just above a whisper, Chimon said, "This is a weird line up."

Marc snickered. "That's what I was thinking too. This food doesn't really go together."

"Maybe he's trying to be an international man," Chimon joked to him. They laughed about it for another minute.

Then Chimon picked up one of the white-looking buns. He looked at Marc, "I don't think I've tried this food before."

Smiling, Marc said, "Boa's are great! Try it."

Chimon looked back to the round food in his hands. He excitedly took a bit, tasting the delectable filling. "Mmmm" he hummed before nodding in approval.

Marc asked "how does it taste?"

After Chimon swallowed the piece, he said, "it's really good. Savory. A little bit sweet, there's just the right amount of sweetness in it." He then smiled to his friend. "The pork is quite good, too. Here, do you want a bite?"

Then Chimon lifted the Bao to Marc, feeding him the bun. His friend bit off a piece in the same part Chimon just took.

Chimon was busy watching Marc, so he didn't notice when Perth suddenly approached them.

"Oww it is good. Kind of fluffy too," Marc said while chewing.

Perth then grabbed Chimon's wrist with the Bao, and also took a bite. He took two bites. Looking at Chimon with his cheeks full, he saw him flush.

And as Perth chewed the food, he glanced beside him to their friend. He jokingly glared at Marc until he swallowed the food.

"Uhh..." Chimon began, but felt a bit awkward and didnt know what to say.

Then Marc looked between the two. "You know what? I should get my own and maybe take one to Papang too or anyone else," he said in a rushed way.

Perth then turned towards Chimon, seeing the smallest pink shade on his cheeks. Then he grabbed his wrist again.

"Only feed me. This is my Bao. No one else's."

Then Chimon fed Perth another piece of the pork bun as he glanced at the larger hand still around his small wrist. "Ohhh! I wanted another bite too," Chimon said as he watched Perth eat some more of the Bao.

Perth smiled and delicately took the bun from him. "I'll feed you instead."

Then as Chimon sunk his teeth into it, Perth smiled. And then I'm a very low volume, he said, "No sharing with anyone else. Not even Marc." The tasty treat sent a swirl of happiness through him.

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