49: 𝑄𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑘 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔

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A/N: So idk if this is an actual thing in MHA or if I just made it up lol. Because I haven't seen anyone else really talk about the concept. But this chapter is basically just a longgg chapter of glorified info dumping<3 but I hope it doesn't feel like it.

"Oh I've heard of that." Kirishima said as Aizawa told them the subject of today's class. "My mom used to say if I used my quirk in public someone might snatch me up. I figured it was just something she made up to scare me out of showing off."

Kira glanced over at him. Aizawa had just asked if anyone knew what Quirk trafficking was, all the students seemed to have a basic understanding of what it was. But it was laced with falsehoods and propaganda. Coming from the fear mongering news outlets and social media.

"Yeah, my dad said it's not real and it's made up by the media to scare kids out of using their quirks in public." Jirou said, tapping her earjacks together.

"Thats only partially true. It isn't uncommon for parents to use the idea as a sort of boogie monster to make children behave. Scaring kids to make them stop experimenting with their quirks in public." Aizawa nodded to both the students that spoke up.
"But the likelihood of a random child being taken after a stranger saw them use a flashy quirk once or twice in public is very slim. It's not completely unheard of, but criminals that bold are usually found with the child in under twenty four hours."

"But it is real? Like it actually happens?" Ojirou asked, rubbing his arms. "Does it happen to kids with mutation quirks? DOES IT HAPPEN TO TEENAGERS?!"

"Yes, it is indeed very real. I know it very well because I specialized in cases related to it for about three years." Aizawa said, looking over his students.

Kira sat up a little bit. She knew he hadn't meant to find her, but did she make him want to look into it? Did finding her make him try to find other kids?

His gaze expertly passed over Kira. He didn't want to make the students look her way during this discussion for even a second. He would never forgive himself if they dug up her past because of him.

"But it's not at all like how people think it is. Which is the main reason I'm teaching about it. As young heroes I want you all to go into the world with realistic understandings of all situations." Aizawa continued. "Ignorance on these matters can be costly."

Kira set her head on her hand and looked around the classroom subtly. Gauging everyone's interest. Most didn't like the idea of them being ignorant in any matter. Or being lied too by parents. Some were curious while others were barely paying attention.

"The first and most important misconception is who are taking the victims. Most people assume like Kirishima said. That it's strangers seeing a quirk that looks strong or flashy and kidnapping the kid that possess it. This was made common about ten years ago when a case of a little boy was made famous by the media. The boy possessed a diamond making quirk and was kidnapped from a park in late September of that year. He wasn't found until December because the original kidnapper had sold him to another villain in October. Making the trail difficult for officers and pros to follow."

Aizawa went into the history of said case. How after he was found it gained a lot of publicity and people started to fear this happening to their own children. Now the idea of quirk trafficking was tied to that big case. So the idea of Being snatched from the park after showing off your quirk became a well known lie.

Kira knew all of this.

Her father wasn't a foolish man. If he believed this lie like so many people did he would have just told Kira to be quiet about her quirk around strangers. Her father had done constant research about quirk trafficking and kidnappings. He found the truth of the matter was actually way more terrifying.

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