Chapter 8

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It's been a week since I saw Aiden, a week since we talked- mostly in silence but still- we talked. A week since he walked me home from the party.

And I hate it.

I still don't understand why I apologized- I was sad and I felt lonely and he was there and no one else was. It spilled out of my mouth like word vomit. It won't happen again though- I like to keep my guard up trusting people does you no good in life- at least for me.

I'm at a café near the university it's a popular destination for students so it being lunch almost everyone is here crammed in this tiny, cozy building. There are little bonsais on each table accompanied with two candles- fake candles but the flame looks real. I have my air pods in but I can still hear commotion outside of my own thoughts and my book: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. I'm loving it so far it's like being inside of the heads of the two characters- their not perfect- their flawed- it's not a love story it's a life story- it doesn't follow a plot because life doesn't follow a plot because once you fall in love your problems don't disappear they still haunt you.

The waitress hands me a croissant and a black coffee, my favorite. 

Tess said she'd meet me here but she got held up at ballet- she has a concert the night before she goes on holiday so she's been spending almost every waking hour in the studio. Not that she even needs to worry- I've seen every single concert and competition of hers and she has never faltered. That's the thing about Tess, she is perfect. 

I decide to skate to class- it's a sunny day and I am wearing a pair of denim shorts and a floral tank. I even stole one of Tess's bows to put in my blonde hair that is falling over my shoulders- I haven't worn a bow in my hair since I was like twelve.

I'm almost at the college when I see a rock in front of me.

Oh fuck.

I try to steer it away but I'm on a thin path and will fall onto the road with the fast cars going miles per hour, I'd prefer not to get ran very today thank you very much. I brace my hands and fall on my knees my skateboard wheeling off behind my legs getting stuck on a slit on the concrete.

"Fucking hell." I say to myself.

My knees are grazed blood dripping down them- I probably have gravel in the cut. why did I have to wear shorts today?

I stumble up and continue walking- it doesn't hurt too much only when I straighten my entire body. I'm also going to be late for class and don't have time to get a bandage from security- it's fine I have wipes in my bag.

When I get to class I see Aiden with his computer open- no professor yet. Good. Why didn't I just skip today's lesson? It's just a lecture after all.

I sit on the seat and wince as I bend my knees- I lift them up and get a wipe out of my bag.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Aiden asks, his eyes wide with something I can't decipher.

"Fell off my board." I mumble, "It's fine- I always do this." I'm clumsy like that.

"Your bleeding."

"Good observation peters." I say. 

He looks away from my leg, "Don't you need a band aid or something?"

"It's just a little bit of blood, not that big of a deal." It's basically all gone now, I just need to give it a good wash later. I don't even notice that Aiden has his hands covering his eyes.

"Wait a second-" I begin while looking at him, "- are you scared of blood?" He shakes his head but doesn't move his hands, "You are."

"No I'm not. It's just disgusting that's all." He peeks his eyes threw his fingers to see if it's all clear.

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