Chapter 16

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Yesterday I saw Alyssa in a restaurant with her two friends whom always seem to be together. She purposely avoided eye contact with me, it was pretty fucking obvious. As soon as stupid Matthew broke those two ceramic plates her face dropped to the ground wanting to avoid us- avoid me.

I hate to say that I don't understand Alyssa Davis. One day she is kicking me out of her apartment her eyes bloodshot with red rims. The next day she is laughing with me at a hockey rink and asking me my favorite color. But yesterday she completely ignores me?

My brain isn't able to comprehend it and maybe hers can't either, yet I'm still dragged to her presence even if I didn't want to be.

"Alyssa." I nod in greeting as I sit down next to her.

She nods distractedly, "hi." She says, her head practically stuck in a book, I read the cover 'They both die at the end'

"Good book?" I ask her.

"Shh." She says, her eyes not leaving the page.

Behind me I see girls whispering into each others ear and looking pointedly at me, when I see them they giggle flirtatiously and tuck their perfect styled hair behind their ears.

I turn away from them, tucking my head away and lifting my grey hoodie over my head- hopefully they get the message.

"Your really going to ignore your admirers?" Alyssa asks.

"They're not admirers," I say stiffly.

She looks up from the page she's bookmarked with her pen and turns to them, "you sure about that?"


She mumbles something under her breath that sounds a lot like: "dick."


She waves me off, "oh nothing."

I raise my eyebrows, "really? Because it sounds a lot like you just called me a dick."

"Maybe that's because you are."

"And, how is that?" I ask.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because there is a swarm of girls behind you that are willing to have sex with you right now. Probably in this classroom actually." 

"I'm not interested in that shit." I grumble.

"What? Sex?" She asks me way too loudly that faces turn towards us.

"Fuck Alyssa. Could you speak any louder?"

She shrugs, "probably." 

"And like I just said," I say, "I'm not interested in that shit."

She looks puzzled, like it's such an odd thing to hear.

Is it an odd thing to hear? That I'm not a sex obsessed idiot like Matthew.

"Huh," she says, "thought all hockey players were."

"Apparently not."

"But-" she begins, "what if one of them actually want a relationship with you?"

"They don't."

"You don't know that."

"Trust me Alyssa. I do."

"How?" She asks, "how do you know that?"

I sigh, leaning back into my seat. "They just want to be with me for the status. Dating a hockey player or whatever, sounds good I guess."

"You know not all girls are bitches peters." She points to my chest, "some actually like you, for you."


"Get your head out of your fucking ass and stop being so arrogant. Stop thinking they just want to be seen with you because your hot or you play a fucking sport were you roll on ice with a stick."

I smile ignoring ever other word spat out of her beautiful mouth, "you think I'm hot?"

"Oh don't let it go to your head." She scowls.

"Who would of thought Alyssa Davis could be nice? Giving me love advice? You've really changed, soon your going to let me call you Al."

She leans into my ear, I feel a tingle go up my spine. "I'll be dead before you ever call me Al." Then she smirks,  "and maybe- I gave you that love advise so you could finally move fucking seats."

It's my turn to smirk this time, "and- I'll be dead before I ever move fucking seats."

After class I walk out of the room to see Tess out front with two massive suitcases in hand.

"What are you-" Alyssa begins her eyes narrowed.

"Caleb can't drop me off," Tess blurts out, "he got stuck in basketball and his coach won't let him leave."

"But I thought Caleb asked him in advance!"

"He did, but y'know, the coach is kinda a dick." Tess smiles, "actually I heard that-"

"Tess!" Alyssa says urgently, "why aren't you stressing more you need to be at the airport like right fucking now!"

"I can take you." I say from behind them.

They both turn around as if just realizing I was listening in on their conversation. Tess's smile brightens up her face, "actually?"

"I mean- yeah if that will-" I get cut off by two arms hugging around my chest.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Aiden!" She beams and then whispers into my ear so only I can hear, "I know that your only doing this to impress Al though."

My eyes widen, "no, no- I'm not."

"You are actually the worst liar ever," then she winks at me, "but trust me- it's working."

"What's working?" Alyssa asks.

Tess has a stupid smile on her face as Alyssa looks at me skeptically, she stomps down on my foot.

"My car," I say, "my car is working."

"Okay?" She begins walking then stops turning around, "lets get going then!"

"Yep, yep." I say following her.

Tess smiles once again, "see?"

"See what?" I ask.

"Your so fucking smitten."


Thank you so much for reading! This is all I'm publishing for now hopefully you can expect more in around a week!

Please follow, comment, vote, etc (if you want to ofc)

All my love, Willow <3

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