Chapter 12

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There is a knock on my door, another one. 

Tess isn't home and I don't know if she's expecting any packages, she probably is she's constantly being dance stuff.

I'm hangover, laying on the couch cuddled up in a warm, fuzzy blanket with my cat pajama pants on and a large band t-shirt which could practically be a dress.

Whatever, it's not like I'm ever going to see this post-officer again but it's still fucking embarrassing. I wish I could at least have time to properly brush my hair out of this extremally messy bun, and I'm yet to look in a mirror today, I barley remember yesterday. How drunk did I get?

Another knock.

"I'm coming!" I call out. The fucking knocking his giving my head a piercing headache. My voice sounds more strained than usual that always happens after a long night, or day. Over the years my voice has become more strained and raspy, Tess says she likes it like that- that it's cute- but she is sweet like that. Good at lying.

I open the door bracing myself for a man dressed in Fluro with a massive box in hand.

Fuck nothing could prepare me for who is at my door.

"God, you look like hell." Aiden says to me, stepping into the apartment like he owns the place. He walks around looking at the white walls around him which Tess took advantage of covering them with photographs.

I stare at him for a moment unsure of what to do, I've never had a guy in this apartment- apart from Caleb of course.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask him snapping out of my silence. He is leaning his head in almost as if looking at every detail of a photo of Tess and I at a science fair when we were eight. The entire middle row of Tess's teeth are missing leaving her with a goofy smile filled with just gum, it's my favorite but she hates it.

"Studying." He replies.

"Okay?" I ask walking up towards the photo he is now looking at. Caleb, Tess and I at legoland which Tess's little sister dragged us to when she came over here for the weekend, that was one of the most tiring weekends of my life I swear. "Can you not do that with someone else?"

He narrows his eyes at my scrunching his full brows, why can't mine be like that? I must say it's my fault since I overplucked them in high school, damn my old self.

"No.." He begins, "because we have to do that paper together, it's due on Monday." 

"Huh?" I ask stupidly because I have zero recollection of this class, or conversation. Wait.. was I drunk during yesterdays class? Fuck.

He chuckles, "Thought you seemed a little loopy yesterday, you wouldn't take your glasses off." I make a groaning sound and slump back onto the couch.

"Wait.. how do you know where I live?" I ask him.

He sits down beside me and my huddle of cozy blankets. "I walked you home from that party, remember?"

Obviously. That party. The party that I was sitting on an outside bench the entire time, the party that Aiden and I connected- to an extent at least. I mean we barely talked but I defiantly let my guard down- something I desperately try not to do- not even to Tess, my burdens are for no-one else to carry, I can do it myself I always do.

"Oh yeah, course." I clear my throat hating the question I'm about to ask. "So- um- what are we doing exactly? For the studying."

He grins, "Wow. You were really whipped, huh?"

I hit him on the shoulder, "shut up Peters."

I don't remember much from yesterday, not much at all. I was sad- I know that for a fact- what else would posses me to get drunk during a fucking class? 

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