Chapter 9

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Our team has had two hockey games so far this semester, we won a game and lost the other by one goal. One fucking goal. That just means I have to work harder than before- I got a scholarship for a reason and I need to prove that I deserve it.

I've blocked goals from every direction today I haven't missed one- lets just hope I can do this again in the next game. It's hard though- feeling the pressure of your entire team counting on you as the puck nears the net. That's why I need zero distractions- just myself and I- that's the only way we have a chance at winning.

"Good job mate," Xavier claps me on the back with an encouraging smile.

"Save some of those skills for the game man. Gonna get tired out," Matthew says as he skates over to me.

"I will." I mumble.

We step off the ice rink and head towards coach's office- said he had an announcement for us an hour into training. Probably about some spectator coming to watch us. Great, another reason why I need to be on my a-game. 

I can see the shadow of him talking to someone through his tinted window, the guys are wondering out loud about what the announcement could be.

"Maybe he got us team jumpers," says Matthew.

"What's your obsession with jumpers man?" Asks another player on the team. 

We walk through the hallway, "They look cool-" he begins then cuts short when he see's the other person standing in coach's office.

I don't even blink twice because Alyssa is standing in the same room as I am and I have no fucking clue why. Her blonde hair is tied up in a ponytail, she is wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a grey hoodie and black vest over the top. Her cheeks are still tinted a rosy pink from the freezing cold outside of this heated room.

Coach's moustache perks up and they both turn to face us- Alyssa is playing with her finger nails and picking at them with a small smile on her face.

"Team meet my new assistant," he says.


Fucking assistant. How the fuck am I going to concentrate no if I couldn't before? It's logically impossible.


"Your in for deep shit." Matthew lowers his voice in my ear.

He continues talking about the duties Alyssa will be needed to do as his personal assistant and assistant to the team but I am barely listening. Instead my mind is flooding with thoughts.

"Make her feel welcome she's apart of the team now." He walks away and the guys start crowding her- a prick of jealousy climes up my spine as I see her smile at them. Why doesn't she fucking smile for me?

Matthew walks over to her and holds his arms out for a hug, he's always been a hugger. "Well here's a familiar face," She says reaching her hands around his neck.

It's much more than a prick of jealousy now- an overwhelming amount.

"Why are you working as an assistant?" Mateo asks her curiously.

"I need a job," she shrugs.

I take my chance and walk over to her with the rest of the team. "But why work for the hockey team?" I ask her and she reluctantly turns her head towards me. "I thought you hated hockey players?" A small smile creeps up the corner of my mouth, I've got her- surely.

I see her stiffen ever so slightly then roll her eyes, "I don't hate hockey players although they are mostly insufferable-"

"Ouch." Matthew says.

"- but Tess found me this job and it would be stupid for me to not take it." She shrugs.

"That's true," One of the guys steven says. "She'll barely have to do anything, fucking easy job." She nods and hums in agreement.

"Right. Well I guess I will see you all tomorrow." She walks through the crowd of hockey players in the small room and leaves out the door.

"You two know her?" Jackson points to Matthew and I.

He smiles, "Yeah. We know her."

I hear murmurs follow me as I rush out of the room following Alyssa- she isn't in the building anymore but she must be in the carpark.

I see her blonde hair bouncing around as she walks, "Al!" I call out correcting myself, "Alyssa!" She stops in her tracks and then glares at me, "Don't call me Al, Peters." She says as I walk closer to her.

"Then why do you get to call me Peters?"

She shrugs, "It's your surname, isn't it?"

"Yes." I say dragging out the word, obviously it's my fucking surname. "Why can't I call you Al?" 

She looks at me for a moment more. "Because-" she tries looking for a better word "Because."

"Because? That's the best reason you've got?" I ask, "C'mon I'm going to need a better one than that Al."

She clenches her jaw and crosses her arms around her waist- I notice she does that a lot even when she isn't mad. Though obviously she's mad right now.

"I swear to god if you keep calling me that I will fucking end you Peters." If looks could kill I think I'd be dead right now.

I hold both my hands up in surrender, "Okay. Okay. Alyssa." I emphasize her name. I take another step towards her- my body practically looming over her. "Why are you really here Alyssa? Working at the hockey rink."

As much as I fucking love seeing her I'm never going to be able to concentrate with her gorgeous face crowding my vision. I love it and I hate it at the same time.

"You really are fucking deaf, did you not hear what I said in that room with your sweaty friends?"

I roll my eyes, "Yes. Yes I did Alyssa."

"Okay?" She sounds impatient like she has somewhere to be as if it's not 8pm right now.

"Okay?" I parrot her, "you can't seriously want this job, right?"

She pulls a face, "So what if I want this fucking job Peters? Do you want to pay my bills for me?"

"Not really."

"Then I don't see the problem." She says.

I don't respond and silence falls between us. I can't exactly say that her face distracts me from scoring a goal- from concentrating on the sport that defines my career. From anything.

"Well then I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of you." I cringe after speaking those words aloud. I watch her walk back down the street not batting me an eye.


Thank you so much for reading!

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All my love, Willow <3

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