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The chirping of the birds brought me out of my Beauty sleep, can't they be quiet, what do they have to talk about so much, I mean even if you are best friends with someone, have known them all your life you will still eventually run out of things of talk about right?.
So why can't they shut the hell up, disturbing my Beauty sleep for nothing they have no idea so much I need it but, Helas I'm wide awake now.

I yawned as I stretched and almost fell off the damn tree reminding me that my new bed was twenty ft high up.

One of these days, I really need a bed to sleep in cause my back is killing me now. I took my shoes off to let my blisters feel the air, see it's okay we're not dying. I looked around and I'm indeed in a forest even with me being twenty ft high I couldn't see much other than trees.

Trees and Forest looks like a perfect place for a werewolf pack, please don't be, please let it not be werewolf territory. They don't like trespassers especially if it's humans because they like hunting us, we'll not just them all supernatural beings do since we're the weakest to them, we've become their prey and I don't plan on being anybody's breakfast today.

So I put my shoes adorned with holes on and started my journey down the tree but I stopped midway hearing a growl. Oh come on seriously it just had to be, really just my luck.

I didn't even look down and just started climbing the tree right back up again. I heard a bark and some growls so they are more the one just great.

"How about you come down now little human" said a werewolf transforming back into his human form and I have to say he is kinda hot, all werewolves and vampires generally are for some reason.

It helped that his completely naked upper body was on full display. Grrr I like that, what no we're not doing that again, bad girl bad girl, get your horny ass back on track, right where was I, right they are potentially trying to kill me.

"I think we're gonna have to join you up there if you don't come down now sugar," said the same stranger smirking like a perverted old man In a gym. hmm, I suddenly like him a lot less now and Ewww I don't like being called sugar guess I hate him now.

"Nah I think I'll stay up here, I like my new tree, it's very sturdy" I replied. I need to buy some time to think, my last 2 brain cells take some time to realize that we may be in a dire situation.

The other wolf growled loudly and transformed "You better get your ass down here you little bitch, or I'll personally rip you off that tree and rip your head off" Okay then.

"Hey, who put a stick up his ass?" I asked the other wolf earning the scary growl from the wolf he was preparing to attack now.

Thankfully there are just three of them and they all look to be low levels, their wolves are too small for a delta or beta so I could take them on but if they alert the whole pack then it's gonna be another story. I have to end this quickly.

I started climbing down the tree "Okay, okay, I'm coming down, stop scrunching your face so much you look like you're constipated" and that was the last straw, he lunched at me, stupid werewolves, always so quick to anger.

I dodged his attack while unsheathing Bessie and getting a nice big slice on the wolf's shoulder. He whimpered in pain and started luching at me frantically, the pain making his attack more sloppy. Seeing an opening I plunged Bessie in the back of his neck and he fell to the ground with a small howl.

The other two looked back at me with wide eyes not expecting a tiny human to be able to take down a werewolf. Hah, I love putting egoistic bitches back in their places.

They both came back to their senses and jumped at me. Me and Bessie made quick work of them both of them dropped dead and a pool of blood started forming beneath my feet, seeping through the holes in my shoes and hydrating my dry ass cracked feet and my blisters, we'll looks like they will be more than just blisters soon. Gross.

I shook my feet to get the blood out of my shoes and I heard a muffled sound like a cow stubbing its feet, or a cat's tail being stepped on. I whipped my head around and saw a tiny little girl with her hands to her mouth muffling the sounds that came out, so that's where the weird noise came from.

I have to stop her she's gonna alert the whole pack. I moved in her direction and she jumped a little, and a tiny whimper came out of her. Okay, she is scared, she is a werewolf and I am covered in the blood of her pack mates.
I continued moving towards her this time a bit slower, and when I reached her she dropped to the ground " Please " she whimpered, looking like a scared little puppy.

And right then and there I adopted her. Everyone she is mine now, no one can hurt her. I kneeled in front of her "Hey, it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you" I don't see her eyes glazing over so she's not calling the other, hmm she is not very bright, is she?

She looked up at me, bright warm chocolate brown with speckles of golden eyes stared right into my soul and pierced my heart. Her nose twitched rapidly as she sniffed me, wolves can generally smell if you're lying and are trustworthy or not and it has the additional benefit of making one look extremely cute.

I sat up when she understood I was trustworthy "You are a human" she stated "I'm aware" I replied.

Her mouth opened a little wider " Then how did you kill 3 werewolves? You are very strong ", "Hey humans are not that weak you know "My voice might have been a tiny bit louder cause she whimpered and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I've just never seen a human before ". A werewolf apologizing to a human, that's new, she is weird.

"Why are you covered in bruises and your wound is bleeding" She indeed had a huge cut on her arm and looked like it was made intentionally. She looked down and I got the message she didn't want to talk about it.

I sighed, took her arm in my hands took out the last bandage from my backpack, and bandaged her arm, she didn't say anything, she hid her face behind her long blond hair.

I can't stay here long even if she doesn't alert them the others will know soon. Werewolves stick together so when there isn’t any connection with some pack members for a while; others are sent to check for the cause.

I started packing my backpack, and she came back from whatever trans she was in. She looked at me panicking a bit " Whoa what's wrong,  you good??" I asked. "You're leaving" she replied.
"Well yes, I can't stay here unless I want your alpha to gut me and display me as a warning to others" She winced and played with the ends of her dress "Can I please come with you??".

Whoa, now that's a first she wants to leave her pack and come with me a human? "Umm come with me? " I rubbed the back of my head "but even I don't know where I'm going". "It doesn't matter, I have to get out of the pack, I can't stay here, please" She looked really tired and sad like she lost everything too. Her eyes showed her vulnerability and pain. She is not safe here!

Umm, what's going on here? I heard howls coming from not so far away. "You know we are gonna figure this out later for now we have to run" so I held her hand in mine and dragged her along with me as we ran like our lives depended on it.

Well, I now have a child to care for and I'll deal with the existential crises that comes with it later.

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