Two brain cells

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Remember the existential crises about having a child that I was talking about that I said I would deal with later?
Well, now is later, cause I'm about to shit my pants. What was I even thinking? bringing along a werewolf with me, I don't even have a home, hell I should've asked if she could adopt me, at least we would have some shelter.

She is very quiet though, we've been walking for about thirty minutes, and we are quite far away from her pack now, is the regret finally seeping in? I should probably tell her that we should go our separate ways now, it's going to be very dangerous if I bring her with me besides I have to find Mia, I can't be babysitting right now.

I turned around, about to start a conversation "Hey-" when she squealed, jumping up and down and started running everywhere. Okay then, she has lost it.

"Have your last two brain cells finally registered the gravity of the situation, took you long enough," I told her.
She turned around her eyes sparkling with happiness. Why was she happy? Werewolves are very attached to their packs, it's in their nature, I was under the impression that they are pack animals and don't survive very long without a pack, so why is this tiny thing so happy having abandoned her pack? I doubt they'll ever take her back, heck she'll probably be killed for being a traitor.

"OH, I'm sorry, I'm just so excited, I'm finally outside that fluffing pack, it is so liberating," she said as she fell to the ground and started making snow angels in the grass.

"I thought, werewolves hated leaving their packs," I stated. She tilted her head "Yes most do, when they're treated like living beings," her head tilted downwards, and her hair naturally started hiding her face. Her eyes lost their shine. What no don't shut down, she just looked so happy, what happened, now she looks so broken that I wanted to take her tiny body in my arms and hug the living daylights out of her.

"Please don't stop talking. You have no idea how long it's been since I had a real conversation with someone, damn it's been so lonely," I grinned.

She looked up surprised, her lips slightly agape. " Look, we all have our baggage and tragic backstories, okay? So you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, I just don't take kindly to being stabbed in the back"
It's strange, I don't know why I trust her, I mean I've never trusted anyone, ever since all this shit started, I know all the risks that comes with trust, so I'm not giving it away like candy on Halloween but something about this women makes me feel like I can trust her, maybe it's her small stature, that makes me feel so protective of her or her chocolate orbs that hold the world, I mean she's tiny even if she tries I don't think she can do any damage, it's going to be cute though. Attack 1% cuteness 99%. oh, I want to see that.

"Nahh, it's really not that sad; I was just enslaved and tortured cause I was the weakest in the pack," she grinned. "I'm calling the child protection services. You were tortured??". She seemed sad just before, but now she seemed perfectly fine and happy, was she faking it or is she hiding something?

"Good luck finding child protection services here but it's really no big deal though, every runt of the pack has to go through this at some point and I'm used to it, and as far as betraying you, don't worry, I can't hurt a fly and I won't say a peep to disturb you or if you won't I can talk for days without stopping- ohh do you mind?" She asked.

I was about to ask what when she transformed into her wolf which was, no surprise incredibly tiny, just a bit bigger than a fox with a fully sandish blond coat, and started rolling in the grass letting out small yelps of happiness from time to time.

Awww, that's so damn cute. But wait, has your brain just not registered the trauma yet, or the torture just got to your head, and now you're a bit nutsy coo-coo?" I asked. She looked me straight in the eyes with a blank stare. "My brother used to beat me severely." Okay then, it's probably the latter.

She giggled out loud as she saw my expression and she was about to continue when we heard a howl in the distance, she stilled even though it was far we should still move because werewolves are fast.

"We should keep moving," I said, and she stood up and nodded, dusting the dirt off her clothes.

"My name is Laila, by the way," she chirped after a few hours of walking. We should find a place to rest, she must be tired.

"OH yeah, we never introduced ourselves, did we" I said, looking around for some shelter.

"I'm Mirani." hmm trees it is then since there is nothing else. "Can you climb?".

"Of course, I love climbing, that's the only thing I beat the others at and can I call you Mira? Are we sleeping in the trees? And how old are you? I just turned twenty, " she replied. Her eyes sparkling again.

She is still young, Mia must be twenty-one now, they would get along very nicely, and they both have bubbly personalities.

She talks a bit much though. "Yes, Yes, and I'm twenty-five" I replied to her previous inquiries. "Okay, now start climbing." I have found the perfect tree. Oh, the tree Gods may we be in your protection and also give us a nice bed soon, please.

She sat on a branch and looked down at me, she climbs very fast " You coming" she grinned. "I'm coming, I'm coming," I grinned back as I started climbing.

She lays down on a branch a bit higher than me. "Do you have a family?". I looked up at the sky as memories flooded me, I thought we were done with the inquiries.

"I have a sister, she is about your age," I said. "Tell me about her" she yawned a little.

"Okay, her name is Minal, but I call her Mia, she has an incredibly sweet personality and she is adorable, you two will get along when you see each other" I smiled thinking about Mia.

"Why is she not with you?" Laila asked. My heart beats faster, and my eyes start tearing up as I remember how she got separated from me, taken away by those bastards.

"We got separated, I'm looking for her actually, and I'll find her soon enough even if it's the last thing I do," I said as I clenched my fists.

"Hmm, I'll help you find her then, in the meantime, I'll be your Mia," she said, and my heart filled with warmth. This little thing, why is she so sweet? I'll eat her someday.

"By the way, does she have some dirt on you, been sleeping around too much, darling??" She looked down from her branch and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

This tiny critter is gonna die by my hands if not eaten. "Just go to sleep, you little shit."

I just heard "Okie dokie pokie" in response as my eyelids started feeling heavy, and I gave myself up to sleep.

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