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There, he was, the demon that brought me here, the angel of death himself. I held my breath as I saw him walk inside with two of his guards following behind him, his eyes already on me.

Something has changed about him, the murderous aura that surrounded him before was not there, and, he seemed relaxed, calm, normal almost.

But still, I dare not to look in his eyes, I must not, no I can not or I will lose myself in those pools of darkness. Laila growls lowly, barely audible but I know he heard it, he is a demon after all. Laila pushes her face further into my neck.

His eyes snap towards Laila. They paused on her for a while and he growled slightly, I wrapped my arms around her bringing her closer to me. He looked back at me and I made the mistake of meeting his gaze.

His anger-filled eyes brought back memories, I remembered how I felt, how he made me feel not very long ago. His eyes softened slightly and he turned to his guards.

“ take them away” he ordered and they obliged, turning to Zamda and grabbing her by the arm “Walk,” said the guard. Laila’s fingers dig into my stomach.

The other one turned to Laila, reaching to grab her arm, I slapped his arm away “ Let them go” I said not looking at the monster himself.
He growled loudly, I should not have done that I just angered the beast. He stepped forward “ Take her away” he seethed, “ We need to talk” he continued, I felt his gaze on me and I dropped mine to the ground.
“ Laila come with me,” Zamda said stepping forward, I stared at her shocked, why was she helping him? She touched Laila’s shoulder and she flinched.

Zamda bent down and whispered in her ear “He won't let us see her again if we don’t move our ass now” her voice soft and warm. Laila lifted her head to look at me, tears forming in her eyes, she let go of me.

I wanted them to stay but Zamda was right, we didn’t have any other choice but to obey him, if not he would kill us without a second thought. I let Laila go dropping my hands beside me and mentally preparing myself to talk with the beast.

They left the room, he moved towards me and sat on the bed next to me. My throat suddenly too parched, he was too close.
We sat in silence for a while as he just gazed at me, not saying anything, why won’t he speak he’s the one who wanted to talk, besides, doesn’t he know it's rude to stare at someone?

but I can't stay quiet I have to somehow convince him to let Zamda and Laila go. I know, he won't let me go. I’m a human he’s probably going to suck me dry or sell me to some other bloodsucker.

But Zamda and Laila will be of no use to him here, he will just torture them before killing them. Where are they now? Are they okay? Where did those bastards take them?

He cleared his throat “How are you feeling?” He asked, and lost my words. I forgot how to speak, I must say something but nothing is coming out of me.

His gaze piercing me, and my throat started closing up again, suddenly the room was too warm, it was suffocating me. I was panicking again, just his presence was scaring the shit out of me.

I heard the sound of water being poured into something but I didn’t dare turn around. A glass filled with water was held in front of me “You should drink something first” he said, but I couldn’t move, why is this happening to me? If I don’t take the glass or start responding to him soon he’ll be pissed, who knows maybe he’ll kill me sooner, I don’t wanna take any chances.

So move your damn ass Mirani, say something anything………..

He sighed “The doctor said, you fainted from lack of nutrition, you should eat something” Yeah no kidding bitch, 'cause your minions kidnapped us, busted my lips, and left us starving to death in a place only comparable to the north pole.
Talking about busted lips, they don’t hurt anymore, what happened? It can't heal that fast and before fainting I remember it hurt like a bitch.

He was about to say something but a knock on the door stopped him. “Come in,” he said and a woman addressed in a sort of uniform entered the room, holding a huge tray. She placed the tray on the table beside the bed, bowed down to the beast, and left.

My mouth started salivating, It smelt so damn good “Go ahead, eat up” Huh, did he, really think I’ll fall for something so stupid? It's common knowledge not to eat anything a stranger offers you.

My eyes involuntarily turned towards the tray, big mistake, it had an assortment of pastries and baked goods. My saliva started dripping everywhere, there was a croissant. I forced my mouth close.

To tempt me further, the beast put the tray in front of me on the bed, right where I had kept my gaze so as not to look up at him. The croissant looked so soft and fluffy. I snapped my head to the side closing my eyes, it’s too much.

We were now separated by a tray of deliciousness, he bent down, his lips almost touching my ears. I became the statue of Buddha again, he was too close, too close, and I could smell his scent. He smelt so good, just like the blanket so it was his. Wait, am I in his bed right now?

He whispered, “You know if I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead right? So eat up, it’s not poisoned, I don’t use dirty tricks to kill people, I do it nice and clean for everyone to see”. And I believed him.

It’s strange, the more I’m in his presence, soaking in his scent, the more I’m not scared. I don’t even remember why I was scared before, cause right now I just wanted to fall asleep being lulled by his delicious scent and that deep voice of his.
His face was still in the same position just slightly tilted downwards, his nose touching my neck, and my neck erupted into fireworks where his nose touched. I felt so damn good I want him to be here forever, with his face in my neck, was his sniffing me?

It's not like I’m new to all this, These supernatural creatures love shoving their faces in others' necks, sniffing them, like perverted freaks. But, why am I not bothered by this? Why doesn’t he look like a perverted freak to me? He seriously might be though, cause, others sniff their lovers, fated mates, parents, or whatever, who sniffs a stranger like this, especially one you kidnapped. It’s weird even by supernatural standards.

Is he checking, what blood group I am? Oh, that must be it, he’s checking my blood to see how valuable it would be. It’s kinda cool but Vampires and Demons can sniff out blood types. Yes, cause these fuckers have a delicate and refined palette not everything floats their boat. I heard that B-positive is the most demanded, to bad for him I’m not B-positive.

If anything, this can work out in my favor I smirked. I haven’t taken a shower in a long time and all supernaturals have an incredibly good sense of smell, especially demons, I must smell like trash that decomposed and was obliterated with an atomic bomb, hmm go on sniff some more. That’s right take a big whiff and faint so that I can run away.

He backed up and I missed his touch almost immediately. He looked at me and smirked, his ocean-blue eyes filled with mischief. What is he up to? He took a croissant, pressed it between his fingers a little and a bunch of flakes dropped from the crispy, flaky goodness. Oh my god, so this is torture. My stomach protested.

His smirk grew wider as he tore off a piece to reveal soft, cousinly layers, my stomach protested harder and louder, my cheeks painted red. He knows what he is doing.

He put the piece just right below my nose and raised his eyebrows at me. I glared at him I couldn't believe I was scared of him before now I just wanted to smack his head and take my croissant from him.

“ Take it,” he said as he placed the piece of croissant in front of my mouth, the delicious aroma of the croissant going on my nose, slapping my face, yelling EAT ME!!. No, I must not give in to him and his childish games.

He said it's not poison, moreover, I would be useless to him dead so, I hesitated, playing with the hem of my shirt. He saw my hesitation, his eyes glimmering with amusement, moving forward a little, just when I finally decided to eat it. He shrugged his shoulders and took the croissant. That Bitch!!!!.

He burst out laughing, throwing his head back. It was beautiful, and it did something to my inside, it turned them all mushy and gooey. I wanted to see him laughing forever. It was music to my ears, it made me feel like everything is alright, we are, and sound.

I found myself smiling somehow, but then I remembered this bastard ate my croissant, my smile turned upside-down and I gave him a death glare. He stopped laughing and cleared his throat, I get the feeling he doesn’t laugh often, he, himself looked kinda shocked.

His face turned icy again, the beast was back but it no longer scared me for some reason, correction, what I mean is, he doesn't scare me as much as before, I'm still scared shitless though. But It did remind me that, I don’t have the luxury to be enjoying food right now. Did Laila and Zamda eat? Where are they? Gosh, how could I forget? This man makes me forget everything.

Where was I? Right getting those bitches out, wait for me loves, I shall get you out somehow....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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