Angle of death

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We were still running when we heard “Hey, wait up” we turned around to see Zamda running after us, looking really out of breath.

She almost reached us when “ Eeek—” was heard, her feet twisted as she was running wearing high heels, and she fell face first into the ground, her face meeting the ground with a thud.

She laid on the ground of a moment. Laila and I looked at each other with wide eyes and looked back at her, too stunned to speak. What just happened?.

Zamda groaned, and we were brought back out of our trans. “ OH fuck Zamda are you okay?” I asked stifling my laughter that was threatening to spill out any moment. And ran to help her up as Laila finally registered what had happened and started laughing her ass off.

I helped Zamda sit up, she rubbed her foot, her face covered with dirt and Laila laughed harder bending over clenching her stomach “ OH my god, oh m—” she fought to catch her breath.

Zamda glared at Laila, her cheeks painted red, she lifted her hand and Laila was pushed to the ground, her face being dragged in the dirt “ Okay, okay stop, I’m sorry” she said and Zamda stopped.

Laila sat up rubbing up nose, some blood trickled down her nose, and spit out a bunch of dirt from her mouth “ That hurt, why would you do that?”.

“Zamda, why did you follow us, in high heels at that?” I asked. “you guys ran away so suddenly, I got worried” she replied. Aww that’s so sweet. She worried about us.

“ You said the Demons are coming, you know they hate humans, it’s not safe for us here” I said, looking around, expecting a Demon army to pop out any minute.

“Yes, but my hair oil” she said, pouting, looking incredibly sad. “Dora, I don’t think you understand our LIVES are in danger, umm, not just our hair.” Replied Laila.

Zamda’s response was cut off by the sound of heavy foot steps coming in our direction. “ we’re dead.” Laila stated, and I couldn’t agree more.

There were 4 demons walking in our direction, but they still hadn’t noticed us, so I took both Zamda's and Laila’s hands and hid behind a bush. “What are y-“ Zamda started when I put my hand over her lips to silence her.

"Please, cast a spell that will erase our scents, please." I begged, she obliged

Hiding is the best we can do right now besides praying that they don’t catch our scents. Laila and I are too tired from walking all day to be fighting right now, and I don’t know if Zamda is on our side or not.

We waited a few moments and nothing, I released a sigh of relief as there started heading towards the cottage’s direction opposite to us, good it can buy us some time.

Preparing to bolt, I held theirs hands tighter, looked up at the sky, and my eyes caught sight of Zamda’s raven circling right above where we were hiding. Oh fuck no.

We all looked at the raven scared, Zamda slowly shook her head silently telling the dumb bird off ___silence___ “Caw, Caw why are you hiding down there Caw” I am going to eat that bitch someday.

The Demons turned around and in a flash they were right in front of us “All of you are under arrest for trespassing, follow us quietly or die” okay thats grim.

“Oh well, that’s you guys, I’ll get going now” Zamda started turning around “Stop right there, Zamda warren the witch in charge of protection has failed her job hence she is also under arrest” the demon said.

Laila snickered and Zamda gasped looking shocked “But I-“ Start walking the demon continued, pushing us forward.

We started walking and soon enough we were walking father into the forest and the sunlight begins to fade away as night falls.

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