✿The day, of teasing him✿

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"What are you doing? Don't say that you want me to sit in the driver's seat and drive the car and you'll sit at the back and play on your phone.
come in the front and seat on passenger seat. When I struggle, so will you" Saying this, he opened the door of the passenger seat and sat on the driving seat. This person should be admitted to the mental hospital.
He was talking nicely few minutes back and now taunting me. Does he get periods? Does he also have mood swings like me?

I gave him furious look And then closed the back seat door with force. "If you are struggling so much then call someone, na. you have a lot of people, right? to work for you. Then call them." I said angrily.

"we are getting late" he spins the conversation really well. I sat in the passenger seat.

This man is putting his so-called rights on me. I'm telling you all the truth, soon he'll submit his resignation letter of being husbend.

on the way..

"I want something to eat" i said rudely.
"what?" he asked while making confusion face.
"Want to eat something" I said with a lot of attitude.
"we are in the car"
"I don't care, i need something to eat" I said while showing attitude.

he stopped the car sideways, and put a handkerchief on his face, like people will recognise him "Don't worry, no one will recognise you" he looked at me.

"Looking as if you are going to eat me." i made fun of him.

"First you eat and become healthy, then I will eat." After saying this he leaves. what did it mean, what does he want to say. Eat? What was he talking about?
Is my mind thinking dirty things. But why? no, I can't think dirty things. Yes, he said it in dirty way. This guy is really shameless.

I was playing with my phone.
Then something occurred to me, yes I have to go pee.
Siddharth came back. he kept something in the back seat, I couldn't see it. he sat on the driving seat and removed that handkerchief.

"Here" He gave me a packet of chips and said.
"but i don't eat chips" It's not that I don't like those chips. i just wanted to tease him. Hearing this he gave me a big packet of wafers.
"No,no. I'm not in the mood for sweets right now." i made a disappointing face.
then he gave me a big pack of nachos.
"I can't eat spicy food." This time I told the truth.
He took out 3 big polythene from the back seat "find, whatever you want to eat" placed two of them in my lap and he kept one polythene in his lap. I was in shock seeing all this. Did he buy the entire shop?

"What is all this" I said in shock.
"snacks, for you" I can also see that these are snacks but these much.....

It seems to be his habit to walk four steps ahead of others. Now, how do I bother him? He has brought all the things with him.

"Siddharth, to tell you the truth, I didn't like any of this, return them". I pouted.

he wore that handkerchief immediately and got down from the car. did he get angry?

he is going without saying any words. did i do too much? I guess I did.

After some time he came back and removed the handkerchief.
"Now tell me what do you want, sweet, sour, bitter, salty, savory. Tell me everything you want" He is sitting with a diary and a pen to note things down. he is looking at me curiously and I'm here with a blank mind. Because if I were in his place, I would have slapped that person twice by now. Now I have nothing to tell him.

"You went to get this diary and pen?" I asked.
"What can I do? You're feeling hungry, and I can't get you a proper meal."
He looked at me and made an innocent face and said. But the mistake is that this trick will not work in front of me.

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