38. Love at cafe

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She cut the cake and her heart was overwhelmed with all the love she had been received since she join in this firm. MBC will always have a special place in her heart, she loved almost everyone, except few who despise her most.

She forwards the first piece to her mentor and her well wisher Aakash, he smiled and fed her taking a peace
" you will reach height Teja, even thought our hearts are sad about you leaving, but we r happy for your new journey. I know you will rock there as well, keep in touch my favorite "

He kissed her temple and a brotherly love was evident, she looked at him with teary eyes and then her focus shifted to anvi, who had been awfully quiet. Even though this day was expected already, still when it was happening, anvi couldn't believe that her best friend was leaving to other state and she will be alone and every corner of this place would make her remind them and their beautiful bond.

Teju " You look like ghost when u cry, u know right" she tried to lighten the mood, anvi chuckled and wiped her tears, hugging her tight.

Anvi " I will miss you "

Teju ' I will miss you too my brat sissy'

" We will miss you too tejasswii " she heard her fellow mates shouting and she crossed her heart fr everyone and after some chitchats, everyone get back to their work.

It was her last day of work, she wrapped up her few projects and some will be handled from punjab. She is going to work for their another channel which runs from Punjab.

She knocked on the door, the room which was nothing but a nightmare whenever she stepped on. Hearing a come-in, she entered and Parvati was shocked to see teju there.

Parvati " you here? "

Teju nodded " hmm.. It's my last day of work and I don't want to take any hatred from here. I m not sure that y you never liked me and half the time I wonder what's the reason for the disputes between us. But I m here to apologize if I have offended you in any way. Thats all.. Bye "

She turned to leave and parvati called her making her stop in her way.

Parvati " you were always exceptional with your work and the way you were a star in a short span of time in the office made me envy you. That's the reason I tried to pull u down in every chance I got but i shouldnt have gone too personal on you. All the best for your next journey, don't worry, you won't face any parvati there, bye "

She turned and teju didn't say , she walked back to her cubicle and started packing her stuff. The cubicle was her second home, it has seen her all emotions, the frustration, the anger, the cries, the happiness, everything and she left a part of her being left there.

Anvi helped her and it was time for her to leave.

Teju " we r leaving in two days and mumma asked you to come for dinner tonight, don't forget "

Anvi nodded with a sad face masking it with a smile " I will "

Teju nodded and both of them left the office and she saw her husband waiting for her.

He walked to her and held the box, greeting anvi the trio walked till the car.

Karan " Did it go well "

She nodded and asked him " Kaam hogaya? "

He nodded , he wrapped up his work the previous day and just waiting for the orders from the ministry, he received them today and he was glad to be back to his place.

Karan " anvi, be at home tonight.."

She shook her head at disbelief as he never fails to order her and nodded, teju chuckled and he smiled.

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