Chapter 1. Fresh morning quarrel

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"You are amazing." I tell myself as I got ready in front of the mirror. I checked the time on my phone as it blasted my playlist on repeat. It had about forty four songs so it didn't repeat quickly. I brushed my blonde hair for at least thirty minutes before it was finally smooth. I grab my phone, push up my glasses, and rush down stairs.

"Hey mom!" I greeted my mother as I hugged her. She eyes me up and down and smiles.

"All grown up. That means you're walking to school." I frowned at the last sentence, I hated walking alone, but I especially hated walking with other people. The way they always offer to carry what I am already carrying makes me scowl, always.

"Finee..." I sigh and head for the door. Just then, my cousin greets me. He was like an older brother to me, he always was, from the day I was born even.

"Hi Lee." he smiles. 'Lee' was my nickname, it came from 'Haylee' my middle name. Classmates all called me Layla though.

I walk out into the wilderness, the harsh rush of wind meeting my neat hair and-

"Cover, what're you doing here all alone." Ugh. I turn around to see the one and only, Jayre Loren Johnson, the bane of my existence.

"Off to school, where are you going? To another one of your dad's party to hook up with some other rich chick?" I sneer. His dad was pretty successful in life. I was middle class. Doesn't mean he can walk all over me though, I proved to him that I didn't need money to win all my awards... --half of which got stolen by him ever since high school started.--

"You're just jealous Cover." he yawns and I wanna punch his face.

"Jealous of being a vain arrogant jerk? Don't think so." I reply coldly. He raises his eyebrow and a smirk appears on his face.

"Why do you think i'm so vain?" he laughs as we start walking towards our school. I feel a blush creep up my neck, we both knew the reason, as I was popular with the boys, he was popular with the girls. Every girl would look at him as we walked the halls. I shove his shoulder as I roll my eyes and pick up the pace.

"Admit it Cover~" he coons as we enter the school, and as if he could sense my annoyance, my best friend Wacky comes running up to us with a huge smile.

"Layla!" he runs up to me and Jayre.

"Hey Wacky, was just escorting Cover to class." Jayre greets, a sly sneer on his face which I want to wipe right off.

Wacky looks at us with confusion before speaking, "I'm just gonna go with May, talk to you at lunch Layla."

I smile at him before me and Jayre head off to our class, it was rather annoying that he had picked the same classes that I took ever since he transferred. But alas, I don't pout anymore, I just sigh.

I made my way to my seat in the front which just so happens to be right in-front of Jayre, great, lucky me.

The class started with its usual boring lecture about the piles of work a teacher has to go through before actually talking about the lesson.

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