Chapter 2. News on a rocking chair.

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I hated every single moment of this lesson. Normally I was just here to get extra grades, since I wouldn't typically join a class without my friends but I never really hated the class until Jayre came.

Throughout the entire lesson, Jayre kept kicking my chair, it was like sitting on a goddamn rocking chair. "Johnson could you please knock it off." I hiss over my shoulder to see him grinning down at me.

"Keep your chill Cover or I might just tell that you aren't paying attention to the lesson." he sneers and I scrunch my nose in an obvious fake smile before turning to the clock to check the time.

Finally, the wretched hour was almost over, just then Sir Conner turns away from the board. "Alright class, settle down. I have some wonderful news to tell you all." I raise a brow, a lot of the quote on quote wonderful news in my lovely school makes me want to burn it to the ground.

Sir Conner continues, "We will all be having a retreat! Staff says it is for the health of both the students and teachers," he smiles and I involuntarily shudder. A retreat? Why was that necessary? "And for... safety reasons, the staff has decided to assign the partners for both on the bus and for the rooms we will be renting for about a week." he finishes with a smile. I couldn't hold it anymore, I groan and bury my face in my hands.

Just then a cold breath hits behind my ear and I feel a shiver. "Why so blue Cover? Think your luck is about to run out?" he whispers and I turn around to face him. Big mistake. I guess that's why I could hear him so perfectly even if he was whispering, because he was leaning right in. My eyes widen and I feel a flush rise to my face. My eyes find the clock, and thank the gods this class was finally over. I look back at Jayre, grinning like the cheshire cat. I push my glasses up in a haste and stand up, rushing to the door.

I race the halls to find my locker, I finally find it and lean against it, heaving a big sigh. Why did Jayre Loren Johnson have to be such a flirt?

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