Chapter 4. A not so usual outburst.

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✎ᝰ. 𓍢ִ໋🀦 ✎ᝰ. 𓍢ִ໋🀦 ✎ᝰ. 𓍢ִ໋🀦

What?! But, I always did at least DECENT in Science. Just keep calm, confident, and... whatever just hope this exam turns how I want it to turn I beg to the gods.

"Oh Cover~" A voice rings from behind me and I groan, my confident facade crumbling. I did not want to deal with him right now.

"Johnson, can you just not right now?" I mutter, stressed. I look at him and see him grinning.


The two minutes in which Miss Angel takes to get to me and Jayre's rows feel like agony. But alas, the suspense is bound to break.

Miss Angel reaches me and smiles, "Nice work Layla." she hands me the paper before proceeding down the other rows.

"So, what'd you get Cover?" Jayre smirks. I take a breath before looking down at my paper.


I gasp and turn to look at Jayre with a grin. "Why so happy Cover? Did you get a 98?" he laughs and I shake my head. He opens his mouth to reply when,

"I expected better from you Jayre." Miss Angel sighs and Jayre's face twists with confusion.

"Well let's not waste time," I giggle, knowing what the outcome was. "I got 100. What's your score?" I smile innocently.

"It doesn't matter." he huffs and I pout. Is he serious right now?

"No. Tell me the score." I insist, he should know how I am by now.

"Told you, doesn't matter, though I'll be meeting you for a tutor lesson next Saturday." he laughs but Ive known him well enough to know he's using his bluffing laugh.

Without a beat, I snatch the paper from his hand and dance out of his reach.

"Cover give it back!" Jayre hisses and I scrunch up my nose as I lift the paper to my eyes. The sight almost makes my eyes fall out.


"Is this a joke, Johnson?" I ask.

"Whatever Cover!" he snarls, glaring at me. What did I even do now? Whenever I got a higher score than him he usually shrugs and uses it as a time to try and prove me wrong or just use it as a time to annoy me. What the hell changed?

"Um, Johnson. Why are you being like this right now? You aren't usually like this." I huff, confused. Why do I even try? Actually, no. Why do I even care? He always got what he wanted without a care in the world, I on the other hand had to witness my parents move impossible chances to get me stuff I wanted. He would never understand.

His impression quickly turns from anger to smugness and I felt immediate regret. "How are you so sure I wasn't usually like this Cover? You obsessed with me?" he sneers and my hands fist. I open my mouth to reply when he cuts me off, "Whatever, i'll see you at your house at 5. Have a good day Cover!" he laughs and turns back to his circle of friends while I turn to Wacky.

"What was that all about? I need tea." he asks with raise eyebrows and I groan.

"Just Jayre being a jerk." I scoff, he looks at me with a teasing smirk and I groan. "Wacky, just tell me what's on your mind." he laughs and I wait for him to subside.

"It's just- you guys fight so often that it's almost like he's angering you on purpose." I can feel my face twisting in disgust. Seriously? I mean, Wacky is a good friend, but what the hell?

"Don't even." I'm so ready for this day to end.

✎ᝰ. 𓍢ִ໋🀦 ✎ᝰ. 𓍢ִ໋🀦 ✎ᝰ. 𓍢ִ໋🀦

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