Chapter 6

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"Are we there?" Asks Noah.
It had been almost an hour since the guys had set out on the vast countryside of Pennsylvania, the state in which they live.
"I swear we’re almost there" says Liam.
In fact, shortly after, the guys, followed by their animals, arrive at the point in the woods where Olivia is hiding.
The dragon, as soon as she sees the master, goes to meet him and rubs her scaly snout on his face.
"Hi, Olivia," Liam smiles, "I missed you so much. Now, though, let’s not get bogged down in chitchat".
Having said that, the boy orders Olivia to set fire to a tree to practice.
The dragon, initially, is reluctant to perform the task but, after various insistences by Liam, fires the tree, spitting fire on it and making it corvine ash.
"Ollie, I’m afraid we’ll only attract attention that way," skeptically Emma says.
"Don’t worry, dear Emma!" Says Ollie "I have everything under control".
After that, the other animals are trained to attack.
"In all of this, I didn’t understand how a turtle is useful in a similar context," James says about Ava.
Ollie then says to Ava: "Shizuda!".
The turtle then snaps into the air and positions itself on Noah’s face.
"What the fuck is going on?!" yells the boy in panic.
Everyone, especially James, is shocked.
Immediately, Ollie exclaims: "Shimada!".
The turtle then detaches from the boy’s face and returns to the ground.
"Did you teach her?!" Asks Noah.
"Obvious" Ollie replies "and I also planned that, while Ava is on the face of some ASO agent, Mia will jump on his neck and bite him".
Everyone looks at him slightly frightened, even Liam. How can a normal person come up with such a detailed and disturbing plan?
"You look like Hannibal Lecter when you act like that," says Emma.
"I know," Ollie responds sincerely, "but you have to admit that without me, you would be adrift. Right, Liam?".
Liam blushes and nods.
"How long will this training last?" asks Emma, still skeptical.
"If we do it once a week, in a month we would have finished" says Ollie "so not before May but not after June".
"I still think this plan will fail," Emma comments.
"You don’t have to think about it" says Ollie "you’ll see for yourself that it’s a perfectly structured plan. It’s the facts that count, not the words".
That said, he and Ava go home.
"Ollie’s been pretty.... weird lately," says Amy.
"Weird and awfully sexy," Liam thinks, biting his lip.

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