Chapter 11

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A few hours later, Olivia lands in a vast forest. Once down from the dragon, the boy looks around. There’s only a couple of greenish pine trees.
Liam decides to move north to see if there are signs of civilization.
So the boy starts walking, followed by Olivia, until, out of the clearing, they are a few kilometers from a road with a sign that says "Toronto".
"Oh my God!" Liam exclaims "we are in Canada!".
At that moment, Liam’s phone rings: it’s Amy.
"Where are you?"
"We are in Canada, more precisely in Ontario, a few miles from Toronto"
"Is there a search warrant for Olivia in Canada?"
"No, only in the United States, fortunately. When will you get here, more?"
"If we leave now, in James' car, we’ll be there in about five hours"
"Okay, we’ll wait for you"
Liam hangs up and approaches Olivia.
"Listen, we’re going to go back to the woods and wait for the boys to come, okay?" says Liam.
Olivia nods and the two return to the woods.
In the distance, a man, hidden by a tree, saw them and does not hesitate to make a phone call.
"Hi, Luna, uh..."

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