Chapter 7

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The next morning, Liam gets out of bed and goes downstairs for breakfast.
Once in the kitchen, the boy notices his parents glued to the television, tuned into the local news.
The presenter says: "various trees were found completely charred in the countryside".
Liam realizes that it was Olivia who caused this, but he still pretends not to.
Once at school, Noah goes to meet him and asks if he is okay.
"I don’t know," replies Liam sincerely "I’m afraid Olivia will soon be discovered!".
"Hey, fucking redhead!" Liam hears screaming.
It's Levi Mayo, the bully who abused Liam all his childhood.
"What do you want?" Asks Liam.
"Have you heard the news?" Asks Levi.
"Yes, like everyone else," replies the boy.
"I’ll bet you a penny that it was your shitty dragon that made that mess" Levi says in an offensive tone "I can’t wait for them to give it to the Korean one!".
"Watch what you say, Mayo!" Noah threatens him.
"Shut up, Watkins!" Levi replies, "I’ll break a guy like you in two seconds".
Noah and Liam go to class and find Charlie, seated at the first bench on the right.
Noah sits on the first bench in the center while Liam on the first bench on the left.
"Everything okay?" Asks Charlie.
"Yeah, it’s okay," Liam says, smiling, but not with his eyes. Only with his mouth. And that smile was more like a grimace.
Here comes Professor Kim, who teaches art, who says: "guys, as I think you’ve all heard, trees have been found completely charred outside the city and...".
"Can I use the bathroom, Professor Kim?" Asks Liam.
The woman looks at him slightly surprised and then agrees.
Once in the bathroom, Liam finds Ollie looking in the mirror, his face torn.
As soon as Liam notices, Ollie turns and asks, "What are you doing here?".
"I wanted to be alone," says Liam "you?".
"The same" replies Ollie.
"Have you seen the news?" chiede Liam.
"Yes, I saw it," Ollie said, "I’m so sorry. I would have.... I should have predicted that this could happen. But I didn’t. I was blindly sure that everything would go right. And instead...".
Ollie starts to cry.
Liam is almost shocked to see his friend in that state. He is always pragmatic, strong and rock hard. But even the strong have their moments of fragility.
Liam hugs him and Ollie, instead of pushing him back, melts into that squeeze.
The two remain so, embraced and silent, for a minute, then both return to their class.

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