7) Birthday Surprises.

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The ballroom was exquisitely designed with white draping curtains and gold accented carpets. There were lovely tables surrounding am open dance floor.  The beautiful harmonies from the royal musicians only added to the splendour.

But the ballroom would be nothing without the elegance that was in attendance. Women in long flowing dresses catching up on the latest gossip. Men in their suits charming the beautiful ladies with dashing smiles.

It was then that I had my cinderella moment. All the heads turned as I entered. A chorus of 'oohs' and 'ahs' slowly built up with my every step.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly descended the stairs. As soon as I reached the bottom, I was surrounded by people who wanted to wish me a happy birthday.

"Congratulations, Your Highness."

"You look lovely, Your Highness,"

"I must say, you look truly divine,"

Miraculously, I managed to make it to the end. My cheeks hurt from all the smiling, and the attention made me feel dizzy. I always thought the princess life was a lot easier than this.

I walked over to the buffet table where Arel was waiting with a plate full of dessert. He really knew how to cheer me up. He handed over the plate and patted my head.

"Good job. I thought I'd have to carry your passed out body out of here." He teased as I tasted the cakes.

"Haha! Very funny... woah! This cake is incredible. Try it." I said while shoving it into his mouth.

He grumbled as he chewed the cake. Slowly, his face lit up, and I gave him my best 'I told you so' face.

"Happy Birthday, Vienna."

I turned around to see Jui. That's a pleasant surprise. It had only been a few days since we last met.

"Thank you, Jui. I did not expect to see you so soon." I said as he kissed my hand.

"I would never miss your birthday, little sister," he said, grinning.

This boy! I still had not forgotten about the rain.

We talked a bit, but then the whole place started feeling stuffy. Everyone kept staring at me. Did I have something on my face? All I wanted to do was leave.

"How do you two feel about a walk?"

"You are not running away from your own ball, Vienna," Arel protested.

"Yes, I am. And you are both coming with me. Or I could stay, and you would have to carry my passed out body out,"

I swayed and put my hand to my forehead for dramatic flair. I watched as they both came to a conclusion and walked out with me.

"Much better," I sighed when we made it to the garden.

"You deal with this every day?" I heard Jui ask Arel.

"Tell me about it. She is like an untrained puppy," Arel said in return.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"But she looks more like a rabid dog," Jui stated. The nerve of these two.

"I'm Arel just so you know what to put on my grave after her ugliness kills me,"

They shook hands as they came to a mutual understanding. My ugliness is not something to bond over!

"I'm still here, yo..." I stopped short when I heard something behind us.

Both Jui and Arel had already taken defensive stances. The shift in the air was enough confirmation that something was wrong. I wondered if an invader could have entered the Palace.

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