9) Princess-napped

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3 years later**

Standing on the Palace rooftop had become one of my favourite things to do. No one except Arel knew I was up there, and I could clear my thoughts peacefully.

After passing out at my birthday ball (which Jui and Arel never shut up about), I realised how serious things really were. I had this immense power, which I had no idea what to do with. If I couldn't control my anxiety, how could I save this world?

It also made me start doubting the realness of this world. Was it even worth making any connections with people? What happens after I save this world? Do I just die again?

The basic plan I had drawn up slowly became invalid. The novels mainly talked about Ayla and had very little information on Vienna. Getting detailed information was close to impossible.

The monster attack was proof that someone was out to get me. The fact that it happened in broad daylight did not help my anxiety.

"I thought I had everything under control," I muttered as I dropped my face into my hands.

I had drawn up a map of the main events that took place in the novels. First was Ayla's arrival and enrollment at Herin Academy, where she met Vienna.

There were about nine more years before that happened. That gave me enough time to deal with my male leads.

I had separated all the leads and was only focusing on those important to Vienna's story. Originally, there were six leads who fell for Ayla (mini-harem), but only three were involved with Vienna.

Jui was living with us at the Palace after the wedding. I really enjoyed his company, and he enjoyed mine. The only problem was that he was extremely secretive.

"Hopefully, he will not assist in my murder," I sighed.

The second lead, Nico, still had not appeared. In the novel, the exact time was not mentioned, but he was supposed to have spent most of Vienna's life with her. Meaning he would arrive soon enough.

The final male, Miku, was not going to appear for a few years. He is the youngest prince to the Herin Empire. The engagement was proposed by my father due to political reasons.

"So I basically have no information on two causes of my death," I mumbled.

The monster attack was making me so much more doubtful. If I die, won't the gods just find someone else to take my place?

"Would anyone even care if I died?" The depression was starting to kick in.

"I don't know about anyone else, but I care. Vienna, it would break me if you died,"

Jui said, looking taken aback. I was so lost in my thoughts that I had not noticed him at all.

"Jui... I..,"

"No, Vienna. Listen to me. I don't want you to die. What happened to make you think none of us would care?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing, I'm fine. It was just a random thought. Why are you here?"

"Father sent me to call you down," he said and helped me get up.

Thankfully, he dropped the subject, but it touched me to see him care. Jui had become my brother in more ways than one.

Jui had started calling the emperor Father after they bonded over their love of the wilderness. They even went camping together. It was adorable to see them both jumping around after finding a rare slug.

Tai and Arel had also taken a liking to Jui. They all loved interacting with each other.

As we walked towards Father's office, I thought about my relationship with Yaz. She did not mistreat me like in the novels, but maybe that is because I threatened her on her wedding day.

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