what am i gona do?

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Leyla's POV:

My biggest fear? Becoming my mother.

To blindly follow a husband's commands, to suppress my voice—is that truly the essence of womanhood? Sadly, for my mother, it seems to be. I pity her. Trapped in a life she didn't choose, molded by societal expectations she can't shake.

That's why I fled from home. The thought of echoing her existence terrifies me.

Discovering my parents' plans for an arranged marriage was the final straw. All because I dared to dream of independence, of a career. But in our culture, such aspirations are branded as shameful, staining the family's honor.

So I took matters into my own hands. I reclaimed what was rightfully mine—a portion of the money I earned during school, surreptitiously tucked away. It wasn't about theft; it was about reclaiming my autonomy.

At 2:45 a.m., I slipped out the window of our first-floor apartment, carrying only the essentials—a few outfits, my academic credentials, and passport. These, along with sheer determination, would pave my path to freedom.

Before heading to the airport, I made a detour to the police station. A preemptive report, ensuring my family couldn't falsely claim me as missing. At 21, I was legally an adult; my decision was mine to make.

America beckoned—a refuge, a fresh start. My best friend had paved the way, escaping her own oppressive family two years prior. Her courage inspired me. I should've joined her then.

"Attention, attention please, all passengers for flight A154 to America, please come to gate 5."

It's now or never.

With trembling hands and a racing heart, I embarked on my journey to liberation. Leaving behind a past dictated by others, I embraced the promise of a future of my own making. Freedom awaited, and I refused to let fear hold me back.

Damien's POV:

"Another assistant bites the dust, huh? What's the reason this time?" Lorenzo's exasperated tone echoed through the room. My brother, the CFO of my company, had been instrumental in shaping my business endeavors. His unwavering support demanded reciprocation.

"I just want someone who can do the damn job without trying to seduce me," I grumbled, fingers flying over the keyboard. I couldn't comprehend the audacity of some women, leveraging their looks to advance their careers. It left a sour taste in my mouth.

"If I wind up dead, you're to blame, brother. But until then, I'll assign you a temporary assistant," Lorenzo quipped, his sarcasm a welcome reprieve from the tension. "Mom called this morning, by the way. Twice. She's fixated on us bringing 'someone' to the family gathering."

His weariness was palpable as he raked a hand through his tousled blond hair. Our mother's relentless matchmaking antics were wearing thin on us both.

"She won't relent until we're married off. I wouldn't be surprised if she took matters into her own hands soon," I chuckled, beckoning Lorenzo to join me for dinner. Amidst the chaos of our professional lives, a brief respite was necessary.

As we ventured out into the evening, laughter mingled with the strains of conversation. Despite the weight of familial expectations looming over us, we found solace in each other's company.

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