The first meeting

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Leyla's POV:

I peered over Sienna's shoulder, watching as she juggled a phone call with her boss while typing furiously on her laptop. She looked up briefly when I asked, "Hey Sienna, mind if I borrow your laptop?"

She nodded distractedly, her attention already back to the conversation. Working from home had its perks, but it seemed to come with a never-ending stream of tasks.

I'd arrived at Sienna's place yesterday, seeking refuge from a tumultuous home life. Gratitude flooded me as I considered how she'd opened her home to me without hesitation. Without her, I might've been wandering the streets, adrift and alone. I couldn't help but wonder what my parents' reaction had been to my sudden disappearance. Anger? Sadness? Or perhaps just embarrassment at the thought of their family's reputation being tarnished?

But dwelling on the past wouldn't help me now. I needed a job, urgently. I couldn't burden Sienna any longer with my presence. I'd already sent out countless job applications, hoping for a chance to prove myself. Now, all I could do was wait.

As I closed Sienna's laptop, an idea struck me. She'd been working tirelessly all day; perhaps I could do something nice for her. I rummaged through her kitchen, but it seemed her pantry was as exhausted as she was. A quick trip to the grocery store was in order.


Returning with groceries in hand, the aroma of sizzling steak filled the air as I started cooking. Sienna's eyes widened in surprise as the scent reached her. "Is that... steak with rice and potato soup?" she asked wistfully.

I chuckled, realizing her culinary repertoire was limited at best. "Yep, your favorite," I confirmed, feeling a sense of satisfaction at being able to do something for her.

Gratitude shone in her eyes as I served up the meal. "Thank you," she said, her voice soft with emotion. "You've done so much for me already. Once you find a job, you can repay me."

I smiled, touched by her kindness. Little did she know, her support meant more to me than she could ever imagine.


The next morning, I dressed in my best attire—a borrowed pencil skirt from Sienna paired with a crisp white blouse. Confidence welled within me as I prepared for the interview. This was my chance to prove myself, to forge my own path to independence.

Sienna offered to drive me to the interview, her unwavering support bolstering my spirits. As we made our way to the Diamond Company, I couldn't shake the nerves fluttering in my stomach.


Damien's POV:

Another day, another round of interviews. I massaged my temples, feeling a headache coming on. If I had to endure one more incompetent candidate, I might just lose my mind.

"Sir, the next candidate is here," Karina announced, her efficient demeanor a welcome contrast to the chaos of the day.

I waved her in, bracing myself for yet another disappointment.

"Leyla Ramizi, please come in," Karina ushered the candidate inside.

As Leyla entered, I couldn't help but notice her poise and confidence. Her introduction was brief but to the point, and her credentials spoke volumes. But it was her presence that truly captivated me—a quiet strength that belied her nervousness.

I found myself drawn to her, unable to tear my gaze away. It was as if she held some invisible magnetism that pulled me in, leaving me spellbound.

Before I knew it, I'd offered her the job, barely registering the words leaving my lips. As she left the room, a sense of anticipation filled me. Perhaps, in Leyla, I'd found more than just an assistant.

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