meeting sienna

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Leylas Pov:

"That's crazy, you're actually marrying that guy and you're moving in with him in what? An hour?" Sienna paced around the apartment, shaking her head in disbelief, while I sat on the sofa feeling like a child about to be grounded.

"I have no choice. If I don't do it, not only will my parents know where I am, but I'll also be forced to return after six months because I don't have a green card," I explained, rising from the sofa to join her. "Wait, how did you manage to stay here? How did you get city citizenship?" I asked, consumed by curiosity.

"Um, well, I'm married," Sienna admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

"WHAT? HOW? WITH WHOM?" I nearly screamed, stunned by her revelation.

"Hey, calm down, calm down. I married my neighbor. We don't live together or anything, and I was planning to end the marriage anyway. But then his mother passed away, and he had to go back home to bury her. I didn't want to bring it up until he returns; it would be inhumane," she confessed, her guilt and exhaustion evident.

"Oh, and you were going to judge me for marrying a man to stay there," I chuckled, finding some irony in the situation.

"I only want what's best for you, Leyla. And this man seems a bit dangerous, so I want you to take care of yourself and—"

The doorbell interrupted her, prompting Sienna to rush to the door. "I'll get it, just be quiet," she instructed before opening the door.

"Sienna, come back," I called out quietly, trailing after her as she approached the door with a frown.

Damien stood there, looking dashing in his black suit.

"Hello, so you're Sienna, my future girlfriend," Damien greeted, extending his hand for a shake.

Sienna met his gaze challengingly, her voice taking on a tone I'd never heard before. "If you so much as harm a single hair on Leyla's head, I won't just persecute you in real life; I'll haunt you in your dreams as well," she warned, stepping closer to him, though she was much too petite to intimidate. Her attempt at intimidation only made her look adorable as she added, "So be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll protect her with my life," Damien assured, a hint of a smile playing at his lips.

Then, he turned to me, his expression serious. "Can we go, my little princess?" he asked.

"Oh yes, and you're welcome anytime, Sienna. Feel free to visit us," Damien added, handing her a card with our address on it.

"I know, and I'll be visiting more often. It's probably best if you make a room in your house just for me," Sienna retorted, sounding snooty as she let Damien inside. "Come on, sit down while Leyla gets ready."


Damiens Pov:

As Leyla finished packing, I took a seat on the sofa across from Sienna. She continued to regard me with a skeptical gaze, peppering me with questions. I appreciated her concern; she truly cared about Leyla. She was a good friend.

"Well, I'm not naive, and your story about your father's inheritance and will doesn't quite convince me," Sienna began, her tone firm. "But I can see that you have genuine feelings for Leyla. So I'll allow her to go with you, but know this: one wrong move with her, and if you break her heart, I won't rest until I ruin you. Understand?" she warned.

"I understand. Believe me, I will do anything for Leyla," I assured her earnestly.

Sienna studied me for a moment, then clasped her hands together and rose from her seat with a smile. "Oh, great! Now come hug me, brother-in-law," she exclaimed, extending her arms for a hug. She was such a funny person.

"I'm done," Sienna declared as we broke away from our hug and turned to face Leyla, who stood there with her suitcases.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb. I can come back later," Leyla offered with a mix of jealousy and amusement, beginning to turn away. I quickly reached for her, pulling her close and whispering, "No reason to be jealous, wifey. You are and will remain my number one," before kissing her. She was like a drug; I couldn't resist kissing her.

"Chuu chuu, you lovebirds, time to go. I have to get ready for an event today, so let's escort you to your nest," Sienna chimed in, pushing us toward the door. "And tomorrow, I'll come visit you and cook something delicious. For me," she added, planting a kiss on Leyla's cheek before hugging her and bidding goodbye. "So byeee," she concluded, closing the door behind us.

"What just happened?" Leyla and I said simultaneously, exchanging smiles. It was a moment of shared confusion and amusement.

thanks for reading.

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