an irresistible contract

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Damiens Pov:

t's nearing 8:47 p.m., and I'm still here in my office, surrounded by an eerie silence that echoes through the empty corridors of my 30-story company. Everyone else has gone home, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to leave.

Working has always been somewhat of a refuge for me, almost like a drug. But tonight feels different. My mind is elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of Leyla.

Her image seems to haunt me, her face etched into my thoughts with an intensity that I can't ignore. Her eyes, her scent, her voice, and that alluring accent—each detail feels vivid, almost palpable.

I only caught a glimpse of her for a few minutes today, yet she's left an indelible mark on my mind. I can't seem to shake her presence, no matter how hard I try.

I don't know what's come over me, but I can't deny the effect Leyla has had on me.

The office is quiet now, except for the insistent buzzing of my phone. I'm waiting for my assistant to send over Leyla's background information. When the call finally connects, I don't waste any time with pleasantries. "Got it yet?" I ask impatiently. I need that information, and I need it now.

My assistant confirms that it's ready, and I quickly instruct them to send it over. There's no time for small talk; I have work to do.

Once the call ends, I keep my eyes glued to the computer screen, waiting for the email to pop up. When it finally arrives, I waste no time opening it. As I read through Leyla's background, I analyze every detail, trying to piece together who she is. 


As soon as I step through the door, exhaustion crashes over me like a tidal wave, and I collapse onto the sofa. But even in the comfort of my own home, Leyla's presence lingers in my mind like an echo. Her file revealed she ran away from her family, but the reason eludes me. Did they abuse her? The mere thought sends a surge of anger coursing through me. How could anyone harm such an innocent soul?

My fists clench at my sides as I entertain dark fantasies of retribution against those who dare to hurt Leyla. But amidst the simmering rage, a glimmer of strategy emerges. Leyla's past could actually be useful. 

 A plan begins to take shape, fueled by determination and a newfound sense of purpose. With Leyla's past as my guide, I'll navigate the intricacies of our shared journey, determined to protect her from harm and earn her trust, no matter the cost.


Leylas Pov:

I woke up at 5 a.m., too excited to sleep. It's been a restless night. At home, I can't even relax or focus because my parents keep calling me every hour to check up on me. Being a Muslim woman isn't easy, especially when my personal choices clash with their expectations.

But that's in the past now. I just hope my actions don't cause trouble for my brothers. I quickly looked at the mirror for the last time, put on my shoes, and head out the door. It's time to get to work early. Today is the start of something new—a journey where I stand firm in my beliefs and chase after my dreams without hesitation.

I went out pretty quietly since Sienna is still sleeping.


As I arrived at work, I hurried over to the reception desk and announced that today marked my first day as Mr. Damien's assistant. The receptionist glanced at me with an air of arrogance, barely sparing me a glance before uttering in a disinterested tone, "Mr. Damien's office is on the 30th floor."

I simply nodded in response and made my way to the elevator, my heart racing inexplicably. There was something about Damien that was undeniably magnetic, his presence commanding attention effortlessly. But I quickly pushed aside any distracting thoughts; after all, he was my boss, and maintaining professionalism was paramount.

With a determined resolve, I stepped into the elevator, ready to embark on my new role with focus and dedication, no matter the allure of the man waiting on the 30th floor.

I got myself ready and knocked on Damien's office door.

"Come in," Damien's voice was deep and strong, making me feel a bit nervous.

Entering the room, I greeted him, "Good morning, sir. Is there anything specific you need from me today? And where should I go for my office?" I asked, feeling a bit shy. I mean, who wouldn't be shy in front of someone so attractive?

"Have a seat; we need to talk," he said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. Despite his serious demeanor, there was something intriguing about him, like he had some secret plans brewing. But even with that, he still looked incredibly sexy. 

I sat down across from Damien, eager to hear what he had to say.

"Here's the contract. Take a look and let me know what you think," he said, sitting opposite me. His legs were so close to mine that it felt uncomfortable.

I started to read the contract, but then I noticed something strange. wtf!! It wasn't an employment contract—it was a MARRIAGE contract??

"Um, sir, I think there's been a mistake. This is a marriage contract, not an employment one," I said, feeling confused and breathless. This had to be some kind of mix-up or joke.

He gave me a serious look and spoke with a lot of arrogance. "There's no mistake. I need someone to pretend to be my wife for a year in front of my family. And I'll pay you 2 million dollars for it," he said, standing up to pour himself a drink from the bar.

I was shocked. Who did he think he was? I ran away from the idea of marriage, and now he wanted me to act like his wife? Was he kidding? I stood up, shaking with anger, and threw the contract at him. "What do you think I am? Do you think I'm some object to be bought? I came here to work, not to be forced into a fake marriage by an arrogant man like you," I said angrily, my voice trembling.

But before I could say more, he interrupted me calmly. "Maybe I should tell your parents where you are. I'm sure they're looking for you," he said, taking a sip of his vodka with a smirk on his face.

I was beyond shocked—more like terrified. How did he know about my parents? If he told them, I'd be in serious trouble. It would be the end of everything I'd worked for. He couldn't do that. It just wasn't possible.

"My parents, but... how...?" I stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence, fear gripping me tightly.

"The cat's got your tongue, darling," he quipped, inching closer and closer until he had me backed against the wall, his arms caging me in.

"How do you know that?" I asked, tears in my eyes.

He wiped my tears away gently. "I have my ways, darling. But you only have one choice: say yes," he said, his voice soft as he leaned in, smelling my hair and stroking it.

"Please, don't do this. Don't tell my parents I'm here," I begged, shaking with fear.

"Then marry me, darling. I'll give you everything you've ever wanted," he said.

"All I wanted was to be free, successful, and independent. Why does this have to happen to me?" I cried, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'll give you some freedom. As long as you're faithful to me and no men comes near you, because i will kill anyone who comes near my woman. Understand?," he said, gently stroking my neck.

"Say yes, baby, say yes," he whispered, kissing my neck.

His touch and kisses were distracting. What was he doing to me?

"O-okay, as long as you keep your promise, I'm in. But it's just for a year," I mumbled, intoxicated by his touch. Oh God, help me.

"I'll do anything for you, baby," he promised.


part four is coming soon. Please let me know in the comments what you think and what I should change. thank you for reading

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