9: Goblins' Plot: Pursuit of the Mage

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As the wolves closed in on them, their hot breath tickling his skin, John knew that he had to act quickly. "Ohh, man... This better work or I'm so screwed" he thought to himself, "world.modify({ target: 'Earth', transform: "Frozen", duration: "30 seconds", distance: "20 meters radius"}); As the code executed, John watched in amazement as the ground beneath their feet shifted and shimmered, transforming into a thick sheet of ice that extended outward in a wide circle. The wolves, unable to keep their footing, slid and slipped, crashing into each other with an audible crunch of bone and flesh.

The ground began to melt and shift back to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye, the ice evaporating into thin air. The wolves, disoriented and injured, limped away, their eyes filled with fear, awe and little bit of what looked like revenge. However, at the sight of what just occurred, they lost all hope. "That was amazing!" Barim breathed, his voice filled with wonder and amazement. This is unlike anything he has ever witnessed or experienced. "You saved us! Not even the most skilled mages are capable of what you just did!" John nodded, his face flushed with embarrassment and relief as he thought to himself. "Well, I was pretty awesome." he chuckled. John becoming slightly more serious, "We can't relax just yet. We need to keep moving before they come back for revenge and with our luck it will be the wolves led by an army of goblins." Barim nodded in agreement, his face set with fear at the thought of being tortured by goblins. "You're right," he said, trying hard to hide his fear. "Let's get out of here as quickly as possible." John and Barim stumbled upon a stream, its crystal-clear waters glimmering in the sunlight. As they paused to rest, Barim dipped his hands into the cool water and splashed it onto his face, grateful for the refreshment.

Meanwhile, Ragnok returns to Rak'Thal Village with the human's blood on his mind. The thought of what this human had done to his band of goblins terrified him, he couldn't believe that a human was capable of such magic. Ragnok entered Rak'Thal Village, a strange feeling crept up his spine. He could feel the eyes of his fellow goblins on him, their expressions filled with curiosity. He headed straight for the village elder's hut, his mind racing with thoughts of how to handle the situation. "The human is dangerous," he thought to himself, "he needs to be stopped before he becomes too powerful." The village elder listened intently as Ragnok explained what had happened in the forest. His face grew grim, his eyes darkening with worry.

Ragnok continued, "The human is clearly powerful, and we need to act quickly. I suggest sending the Claw of Vengeance after him, they can handle anything this human throws at them." The elder nodded in agreement, his face pale with fear. "You're right, this human cannot be allowed to continue his rampage unchecked. We need to take action." Ragnok could feel the tension in the air as he spoke, the villagers were on edge, and he knew that if something wasn't done soon, the village would be in danger. "This human is a threat to us all, we cannot allow him to gain any more power or he will destroy everything we hold dear." The elder looked up, his eyes glinting with determination.

Word had spread quickly of what had happened in the forest, and the villagers were on high alert. Ragnok knew he had to act fast, he couldn't let this human gain more power and destroy their way of life.With a sense of urgency, Ragnok rallied the Claw of Vengeance and set out on the hunt. The village was counting on them to stop the human before it was too late. As they headed out, they knew that this would be a difficult mission, but they were ready for anything the human threw at them. As they travelled through the forest, they kept their eyes peeled for any signs of the human.

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