14: A Desperate Duel: John vs. Shadowclaw

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John stood face to face with the Claw of Vengeance, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the sight of the elite goblin team. Their reputation preceded them, and he knew that he and Barim were in grave danger. The goblins, confident in their abilities, decided that a single member of their team would be sufficient to deal with John.

Shadowclaw the Silent stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with malice. "This pathetic human dares to challenge the might of the Claw of Vengeance?" he thought, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "I'll show him the true meaning of speed and power."

In a blur of motion, he rushed at John, his speed so incredible that John barely had time to register the movement. "He's fast," John thought, his eyes widening in shock. "Too fast. I can't even see him mov—"

Before he could finish the thought, Shadowclaw's fist connected with his body in a powerful left-side punch. The impact was like a thunderbolt striking a sapling, the force of the blow reverberating through John's entire being. Pain exploded through his body as he crumpled to the ground, his vision blurring and his ears ringing. The goblins watched with anticipation, their eyes fixed on the fallen human.

John struggled to his feet, his head foggy and his legs weak. He swayed unsteadily, using the tree for support as he tried to regain his balance. His mind raced, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Shadowclaw's speed was on another level entirely, and John had been utterly unprepared for the attack.

As he stood there, battered and bruised, a wave of sheer terror washed over him. His mind reeled, his thoughts spiraling into a desperate, panicked mantra: "We're going to die. Oh Gosh, we're going to die." The goblins before him were like nothing he had ever encountered, their power and speed beyond anything he could have imagined.

But then, as despair threatened to overwhelm him, John remembered his Syntax Sorcery. This unique ability had never let him down before, and he knew that it was his only hope of surviving this encounter. Taking a deep breath, he focused his mind, pushing aside the pain and fear.

Barim watched in horror as John crumpled to the ground, the goblin's fist having connected with devastating force. "John, no!" he screamed, his voice raw with desperation. "You idiot! Why did you come here? You're no match for the Claw of Vengeance!", Barim thought with sadness.

Shadowclaw stood over John's battered form, a flicker of doubt crossing his face. He turned to the other goblins, his brow furrowed. "Are we sure this is the right person? He seems so weak."

Rognak stepped forward, his eyes narrowed. "Don't question our intel, Shadowclaw. This is the human we've been tracking."

As the goblins argued, John's mind raced, desperately searching for a solution. He knew that Shadowclaw's speed was his greatest advantage, and he needed to find a way to counter it. Suddenly, an idea struck him like a bolt of lightning. If he could slow down the entire group of goblins, it would prevent any unexpected issues from arising.

Focusing his mind, John began to craft the code in his head. "World.modify.inhabitants("The Claw Of Vengeance").speed.set(0.2)," he thought, his mental voice clear and steady. As he activated the magic, the world around him shimmered, motes of ambient magic responding to the code's execution.

The goblins' conversation came to an end, their faces twisted with cruel anticipation. They mocked Rognak for his report on John's supposed danger, their laughter harsh and grating. Shadowclaw turned to John, a wicked grin on his face. "This is the end for you, human," he snarled, drawing his dagger.

As Shadowclaw approached, John braced himself for the attack. But to his surprise, the goblin's movements seemed sluggish, almost comically slow. John watched as Shadowclaw advanced, his steps measured and deliberate, as if he were moving through molasses. To John's eyes, the goblin's approach was as clear as day, his speed no longer a threat.

John watched as Shadowclaw approached, his movements slow and deliberate under the effects of the speed-altering magic. Seizing the opportunity, John focused his mind, crafting a new spell to turn the tables on his adversary.

"for x in Range(3):" he thought, his mental voice clear and steady.

MagicalPunch = World.create('punch').

MagicalPunch.strength = 10

MagicalPunch.speed = 60KM

MagicalPunch.location = 'Shadow gut'

As the code executed, three powerful, invisible punches launched at Shadowclaw's stomach in rapid succession. Each punch carried the force of an axe striking a block of wood in two, the impact sending shockwaves through the goblin's body. Shadowclaw was lifted a few centimeters into the air with each blow, the cumulative force pushing him back by a meter before he landed on his feet.

To an ordinary goblin or human, such an assault would have been fatal. But Shadowclaw, a member of the elite Claw of Vengeance, remained standing, seemingly unscathed. The force had merely pushed him back, his body absorbing the impact without any visible damage.

Shadowclaw's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing to comprehend what had just transpired. "How did he see through my speed?" he thought, his brow furrowed in confusion. "No one has ever been able to react to my movements before, let alone launch a counterattack. Has this human somehow become faster?"

The idea seemed preposterous, yet the evidence was undeniable. The human had not only seen Shadowclaw's attack coming but had also managed to strike back with a series of powerful blows. "What magic is this?" Shadowclaw wondered, his eyes narrowing as he studied John. "No incantation, no visible spell. It's as if he's manipulating reality itself."

The other goblins, witnessing the strange event, called out to their comrade. "Shadowclaw, what's going on?" they asked, their voices tinged with concern. "You're moving slower than usual. Is something wrong?"

Shadowclaw's face twisted into a scowl, his pride wounded by the suggestion. "Impossible!" he snarled, his eyes never leaving John. "I'm as fast as ever. It's this human who's somehow become faster. But no matter how quick he is or what kind of magic he has left, he's still no match for me!" 

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