17: A Battlefield of Regret: The Aftermath of John's Spell

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The weight of responsibility settled heavily upon John's shoulders as he faced Shadowclaw, the goblin assassin's eyes burning with fury. The air crackled with tension, and the metallic tang of blood mingled with the earthy scent of the forest. John's muscles ached from the exertion of the fight, but he refused to let exhaustion crush his resolve. "I've come too far to give up now," he reminded himself, his inner voice filled with grim determination. "I'll give it everything I've got, no matter what it takes."

Seeing an opportunity, John decided to increase the strength of his magical punch. "MagicalStrike = World.create('strike'), MagicalStrike.strength = 500, MagicalStrike.speed = 80KM, MagicalStrike.location = 'Shadowclaw'," he thought, his mental voice clear and steady.

John assumed that if a strength of 15 had been powerful, then 500 must be exponentially more devastating. With a surge of determination, he activated the magic, bracing himself for the immense display of power that was about to unfold.

As the code executed, the ambient mana responded with a breathtaking spectacle. Countless motes of energy, each glowing with the brilliance of a miniature sun, erupted from the surrounding environment. They swirled and danced around John, forming intricate patterns and constellations that defied comprehension.

The mana particles began to coalesce, drawn together by an unseen force. They merged and fused, creating a massive, luminous sphere that pulsed with raw, untamed power. The sphere grew in size, expanding until it dwarfed John, casting an otherworldly glow across the battlefield.

Tendrils of energy crackled and arced from the sphere, lashing out like bolts of lightning. The ground trembled beneath John's feet as the mana concentration reached a critical threshold. The air hummed with an almost tangible vibration, as if the very fabric of reality was being stretched to its limits.

The group of goblins watched in awe and terror as the mana shaped itself into a colossal, ethereal fist. They had never witnessed magic of this scale or intensity before. The leader's eyes widened in recognition, remembering ancient texts that spoke of such displays of power.

"Get out of the way, Shadow!" the leader screamed, his voice cracking with urgency. "This is no ordinary magic!"

Shadowclaw, still reeling from the gust of wind, felt a sudden surge of fear as he sensed the approaching danger. "What is this?" his inner voice tinged with dread. "I can feel something immensely powerful coming my way."

The gargantuan fist of mana hurtled towards Shadowclaw with the force of a thousand raging storms. As it made contact, the impact was like a supernova detonating at point-blank range. The shockwave rippled outward, shattering the ground and uprooting trees in its wake.

Shadowclaw was blasted through the forest, his body ragdolling like a leaf caught in a hurricane. He smashed through trunks and branches, leaving a trail of destruction that stretched for a hundred meters. The goblin's screams of pain and terror were drowned out by the deafening roar of the magical explosion.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the magical explosion faded, an eerie silence descended upon the battlefield. John stood amidst the destruction, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. The acrid smell of burnt wood and scorched earth filled his nostrils, and a fine layer of ash coated his skin. He blinked, his eyes stinging from the smoke, and as the adrenaline began to recede, the magnitude of what he had done slowly sank in.

John stared in horror at the devastation he had unleashed. The sheer scale of the destruction wrought by his spell was beyond anything he could have conceived. Nausea churned in his gut, and an icy sense of dread crept up his spine. He had never meant to cause such chaos, to wield a power so terrifyingly vast. His hands shook, and he clenched them into fists, trying to stop the trembling. Guilt and shock warred within him, and he swallowed hard against the bile rising in his throat. What had he done?

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