Chapter 10: Katniss

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I have not been able to contact Peeta since the night he was taken. I keep trying, but he's having trouble getting through. I hear him whisper things in my ear, but they are always brief and hard to make out. I try to talk to him, but I don't know if he's actually hearing me.

He's getting beaten. I know from the dull pains that I feel in my arms, legs, and body. Even my head a time or two. I know I'm only feeling a fraction of his pain. He's hurting. I hope that he can hear me, that he knows I'm going to get him out of there, even if its not me personally going. He would never forgive me for putting myself in danger, not to mention our child.

I run my fingers over my unborn child. I haven't felt it move, but I can feel its presence. I know he or she is there. It's most likely a boy, being the firstborn child of the Alpha. But then again, I was an heir, the firstborn of my father, the Alpha of the Miner's Seam. And I am most defiantly not a boy.

But I'm a rarity. My child will no doubt be a boy, a loyal son that is worthy to follow in Peeta's footsteps when the time comes.

"We're gonna get Daddy back," I promise my baby. "He's going to be here when you're born and we'll present you to the whole pack as the next in line." I sigh and look down at my still flat stomach. "I never thought I could be a mother. I never saw myself as the nurturing type. I told myself I wouldn't allow myself to become a mother. But I am extremely proud to be your mother."

I'm broken away from my little moment by a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say. I look to see Gale walking in. His shoulder is still healing from his battle to try to get Peeta away from the rouges, but other than that, he is nearly healed.

"There are wolves approaching our boarders," he says. "They carry the silver crescent of truce."

"What pack?" I ask.

"They smell of sea salt and carry banners with a fish on them," Gale says. "I've never seen it before."

"I have," I say. "They're from the Four Seas pack."

"You know them?" he asks.

"I know of them," I say. "Selene told me that they should be contacted. Their Luna was taken a little while before Peeta. They can be trusted as allies."

"Did you contact them?" he asks.

"Not yet," I say. "I've been to busy trying to at least get through to Peeta again."

"Then why are they here?" he asks.

"I feel like the Goddess decided that I was taking too long to decide wether or not to contact them." I say. "Gather Thom and Darius. We'll meet them at the boarder."

"You aren't actually going down there," Gale says. "Are you?"

"Why not?" I say. "What I know about these wolves is they are generally peaceful. And besides, who would dare attack under the truce of the Moon Goddess' crescent."

"If there is even a hint of danger," Gale starts and I finish his sentence.

"I get the hell out of there," I say. "I'm not going to risk anything happening to my child. That was a promise to Peeta I intend to keep."

"Fine," he says. "I'll meet you downstairs." I gather up what I need and walk down the stairs. Gale waits at the bottom with Thom and Darius.

"Are you ready?" Gale asks. I nod and the three shift into their wolves. I climb onto Gale's back, because Taylor seems to think it'll hurt the baby for me to shift to. Delly assured me it wouldn't, but what can I say. Taylor is an over protective mother over my child. But I guess at this point, she is technically pregnant too, as weird as it sounds considering she's just a spirit. A hormonal, moody spirit.

We go to the boarder and are met with three grown men. The one in the lead has the aura of the Alpha and he holds the crescent of peace highly. The other two behind him hold aloft the banner of the Four Seas. The Alpha steps forward, his sea green eyes shining mischievously.

"So it's true," he says. "The daughter of the Moon Goddess is the leader of the Twelfth Star. It's nice to meet you Luna Everdeen. Your mother spoke highly of you." I slide off Gale's back and the Alpha smirks. "And might I give you my congratulations on the little one."

"Finnick Odair I presume," I say as I step forward.

"At your service," he says bowing.

"I'm sorry we couldn't have met under happier circumstances," I say. "Selene told me about your Luna."

"I feel the same," he says looking grim. "My Annie was captured a little before Alpha Mellark was. At least that is what your mother told me."

"So she's the one who sent for you," I say. "I suspected when you called her my mother. I haven't told anyone that yet."

"She visited me in a dream," he says. "And may I say, you share in her beauty."

"Sorry Finnick," I say. "I already have a mate. Your charm does not work on me."

"I'm sure it doesn't. You aren't the type to fall for charm. Your mother warned me that you aren't very cooperative. She gave me this," he says holding out a folded piece of black fabric. I unfold it to reveal the flaming Mockingjay I haven't seen in almost two years."Said you might want it."

"My father's crest," I say. "My crest, my right of heirship."

"Am I allowed to come onto your land?' he asks. "I feel like the quicker we talk strategy, the sooner we'll both have our mates back. The sooner Peeta and I will be fathers again."

"Annie is carrying a pup?" I ask him.

"Nearly five months," he says.

"That's pretty far along," I say.

"Not for her," he says. "She's human."

"That's extremely rare," I say. "Humans don't share the connections we usually do with our mates because they don't have wolves."

"My Annie is very special," he says and I nod.

"Then we better get to work," I say. "Come on."

"Luna," Gale says. "You need to say the words." I sigh and raise my arms, palms up.

"I, Katniss Everdeen, Luna of the Twelfth Star and heir of the Miner's Seam, accept the aid and alliance of the Four Seas and allow Alpha Finnick Odair and his pack safe passage onto my territory," I say and Finnick and his wolves enter the territory before shifting and running with us to the Alpha's house to discuss our plans.

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