Chapter 22: Katniss

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I stand outside the outlying cottage and tentatively knock on the door. Gloss open the door and bows his head slightly in respect, not meeting my eyes.

"Luna Everdeen," he says. "What brings you here?"

"I was wondering if I could talk to your sister," I say. "If she's feeling up to it of course. I know from experience how painful it is for her right now. Especially when she's carrying his baby." He stands aside and I walk through the door. The pine floor creaks beneath my feet.

"She's in the den," he says. "I tried but," he starts and I finish.

"She refused to sleep last night," he nods and I walk towards the room and when I walk in, Cashmere is staring at the wall blankly. I sit beside her and she flinches.

"I know it's hard," I say. "But this will work a lot better if you look at me." She turns her head and I see her pale blues that are bloodshot from crying peering at me from beneath her tangled bangs.

"You guys are going to kill him aren't you?" she says. "He thinks he deserves it, but Snow forced his hand. He only just gave me my freedom. Snow threatened to kill me should Cato disobey him. He never wanted to do the things he's done. He had to. Especially after I found out I was pregnant. He couldn't let Snow hurt us."

"I know Cashmere," I say. "And that is why I've come to tell you that while he'll have to serve some time in the Pit for his crimes, Cato is going to be released before you have your baby."

"But he's your enemy," she says. "He killed your father. Your little sister."

"He is not my enemy," I say. "Snow is. He is the reason Cato did what he did. And that is why Peeta and I have given him mercy."

"Oh thank you!" she says taking my hands in her's. "Thank you! Thank you so much."

"It was no trouble," I say. "I know from experience how much it hurts not to have him with you. Especially when you're carrying his child."

"That's right," she says. "You were pregnant when Cato took Peeta away. How is your son?"

"I had a girl actually," I say. "And she is absolutely fine. A very happy baby."

"She sounds lovely," she says.

"She is," I say. "She's the most precious thing in my life." I notice the slight swell of her abdomen and how she crosses her arms over it."How far along are you?"

"Nearly two moons," she says.

"You must be exited," I say.

"It's been hard," she says. "I'm not really the mothering type. Cato always said he didn't want a baby, so I was really scared. But that was until I told him I was carrying our child and he was thrilled. He only didn't want them because of the world we lived in. That is why he help me and my brother escape here, even if it meant he had to face you and Alpha Mellark."

"Well I'm happy to have provided you somewhere safe to stay," I say standing. She takes my hand and smiles at me.

"I'd love to meet your daughter sometime," she says.

"I'd like that," I say. "Perhaps you could join the Alpha and I at dinner tonight."

"It would be a honor," she says. I nod and leave the room. I bid goodbye to Gloss and leave the cottage. I start walking home and suddenly feel arms wrap around me. I yelp and turn to see Snow's rotten face.

"Hush now Miss Everdeen," he says. "This is a private matter and we wouldn't want to drag that little girl of yours into this now do we." My eyes get wide and I feel my heart start to race.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I growl.

"I won't if you come peacefully," he says. I close my eyes and focus on Peeta. I keep calling to him and eventually hear him answer.

"Snow's here," I cry. "He's trying to kidnap me."

"I'll be right there," he says. "Try to stall him for as long as you can."

"What do you want from me?" I ask. "Haven't I paid enough?"

"In all honesty darling, its never been you I was angry at," he says. "It was your mother, that cursed goddess Selene. And since I can't punish her directly, I'll take her daughter."

"You really think you can get away with this?" I ask. "You really think I'm not going to fight back?"

"You won't if your baby is at risk?" he says. "What's her name? Rain?" I feel Taylor start to rise to the surface, ready to tear the throat out of the person who dare threaten our pup.

"You wouldn't dare," we growl in sync. "You really think I'd stand aside and let you do this. I'm calling your bluff." I use my weight to knock him off balance and break free from his grasp. In my rage, I feel the familiar snapping of my bones as my body changes forms and I lunge forward, pinning him under my black paws. I snarl in his face and he does the most surprising thing. He laughs in my face.

"You aren't going to kill me," he chuckles. "You haven't enough evil in you. Sure you killed Marvel, but that was in defending your mate. This is defending yourself. And you aren't that selfish."

"But I'm not killing you for me," I say. "I'm killing you for threatening my daughter." I lunge at his throat before he can stop me and tear it out. I watch as the light slowly dies from his snakelike eyes. I look down at my blood stained paws and start to shake.

I've killed a man. An evil person who has killed thousands, but still a person. I start shaking my head and turn on my heals, running back to the edge of the territory I came from. It hurts me to have to leave Peeta and Rain behind, but they are honestly better off without me.

"Goodbye," I whisper to Peeta as I cross the border. "I will always love you."

Then I leave our territory, my home, and never look back.

The End

Just Kidding! This isn't over yet. I'm not that cruel.

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