Chapter 17: Katniss

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"I'm serious Katniss," Delly says. "This baby could come any day. They've already dropped into the birthing position."

"I still have another month Delly," I say. "And I haven't had any signs that would suggest that she's coming anytime soon."

"Will you please just listen to me for once," she says. "I don't know why, probably because you both are technically Alphas, but that baby in there is full term at five months. She is ready to come out at any time."

"Well I don't think so," I say. "And right now, I'm gonna go on a walk to go get some fresh air before you decide to force me on bed rest."

"Katniss," she starts and I shoot her a look.

"This baby isn't coming today Delly," I say. "I know that much."

"Just don't strain yourself," she says.

"I won't," I say. "Peeta's going with me and I assure you, he'll watch me like a hawk."

"Fine," she says. "Go. Before I change my mind." I walk out to see Peeta standing there waiting for me.

"What'd she say?" he asks.

"She said everything is fine," I tell him. "Nothing to worry about. But right now I really need to go out and stretch my legs."

"Well lets go," he says. "I have a feeling it's going to storm soon and I want you back inside before that happens."

"Okay," I say deciding not to argue with him. He helps me out the door and we take a walk through the deep part of the territory where the willows grow, hiding caves in the rock crevices.

"I can't believe that we only have a month until we get to hold our little one," he says.

"I know, I can't believe it either," I say. I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen but fight it off. But Peeta sees the look on my face.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah," I say as the pain passes. "She just got a good kick aimed at my ribs."

"Are you sure?" Peeta asks.

"Oh yeah," I say. "I'm fine."

"And that's why there's a puddle at your feet?" he asks. I look down and look back up at him.

"Shit," I say.

"We better get you home," he says. He starts helping me home when it thunders overhead. I give him and awkward glance as I feel another contraction.

"We aren't gonna make it home before that storm hits Peeta," I say. "Not with this baby trying to fall out of me." He looks around desperately, his mind clearly racing.

"I think that cave up there will do," Peeta says and I nod. He helps me to the opening and holds aside the willow branches as I climb inside. I sit down near the back as Peeta follows me.

"I love it," Taylor says in my mind. "I wouldn't be happier had I dug this den myself. It's the perfect place to have our baby Katniss."

"I am so stupid," I say.

"Why would you say that?" Peeta asks as he sits down beside me.

"Delly told me that the baby was full term," I say. "She doesn't really know how, but the baby is ready. And I still wanted to go out today. I lied to her about the false contractions so she let me go. So now I'm having our baby in a cave in the woods instead of the clinic, where she'd be safe."

"Hey, I said I liked it. There aren't a bunch of people fanning over you here. Now it can be actually private. Just you and Peeta," Taylor comments.

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