Chapter 19: Peeta

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I wake up to Rain crying beside the bed. I feel Katniss lift her head up off my chest and start to get out of bed.

"I've got her," she says. "She's probably just hungry anyway and it's not like you can really do that part." She yawns as she stands and I watch her reach down into Rain's cradle and pick her up. She starts walking towards the door with our crying daughter.

"Where are you going?" I ask her.

"I'm taking her back to her room while I try to calm her down so you can get back to sleep," she says. "I'll be back in a little bit."

"You don't have to take her out," I say. "You are already running yourself raged over her. Just stay. I can spare a little time so I can spend it with you two." Katniss nods and sits back down on the bed, her back resting on the head board. I watch as she situates Rain and starts feeding her. Katniss smiles at her with tired eyes.

"I'm sorry I did this to you," I say.

"Peeta, together, you and I made this beautiful little girl. I wouldn't have her if it wasn't for you," she says. "I didn't have a family anymore. Now I do. And that's all because of you Baby." She kisses my cheek. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"But, you're just so exhausted," I say. "You can barely hold your head up."

"I'm fine," she says pulling her shirt back down and lifting Rain onto her shoulder, patting her back to burp her. "I'll admit that I am a little more tired than usual, but as long as I just try to sleep when she does, I'm fine." Rain burps and then starts to wail again.

"Can I take her?" I ask and Katniss shrugs.

"You can try," she says. "She's very restless." I gently take Rain from Katniss' arms and smile at her.

"Just like her Mom," I say. I get up and turn to Katniss. "Get some sleep Darling. You have battle training tomorrow."

"Don't remind me," she says flopping back on the bed and rolling onto her stomach. I laugh softly and carry our crying daughter out of the room. I gently bob her as I walk up and down the hall. Pretty soon I hear the door to Finnick and Annie's room open and see Annie push Finnick out, who is holding his own crying child.

"At night, it's your turn Finnick," she says and closes the door. I look at him and laugh.

"Sebastian giving you a little trouble?" I ask.

"I could say the same about your daughter," he says.

"She's restless, like Katniss," I say. "It's like they both sense the trouble ahead. I know for sure Katniss does. At the very mention of Snow her hair stands on end."

"It's a good thing she doesn't know about Johanna," Finnick jokes.

"Are you a hundred prevent sure we can trust her? She's a Hunter of Artemis. She's meant to kill people like us," I say.

"She's an ex-hunter. Artemis kicked her out of the ranks when she fell in love and broke her vows of celibacy," he says. "Now she hunts enemies of the packs for hire."

"I don't trust Bounty Hunters," I say. "They care only for money. They work for the highest bidder."

"I've known Johanna for years Peeta. She's the best. A daughter of Ares who will kill every last enemy in sight if she has to." he says. "When you're fighting rouges, you want her and her axe on your side. I trust her with my life Peeta."

"Katniss won't buy it," I say and suddenly I hear the call of a loon that Finnick smiles at.

"She's early," he says. "Go get Katniss. I'll have Annie watch the children." I nod and when Annie opens the door I hand her the now sleeping Rain. I go back to our room and gently shake Katniss awake. She sits up with a look of alarm on her face.

"What's wrong?" she asks. "Is it Rain?"

"No," I say "Finnick's friend arrived early."

"Well isn't he inconvenient," she says getting up and going into the closet to get dressed.

"She, not he," I say as she comes back out in jeans and a black T-shirt.

"A woman?" she asks. I nod. "This should be interesting." She walks past me and I follow her out and down to the front yard. When she sees the woman before her she turns to me. "You let him bring a Hunter onto our land? Our week old daughter is sleeping upstairs! How could you let this happen Peeta?"

"She won't harm Rain," I say. "She's not a real Hunter anymore. She only goes after rouges and she's a good friend of Finnick's"

"I don't care," Katniss says. "I don't trust her."

"She doesn't like Snow anymore than you," I say. "We can at least talk with her."

"She carries silver weapons," she says. "She can kill us with a single blow if she wants to."

"Which gives you a good reason to be nice," I say. Katniss looks over to where Finnick and Johanna are laughing and joking with each other.

"Fine," she says. "Lets meet the mongrel." We walk over and Finnick turns to us smiling."

"Johanna, I'd like you to meet the Alpha and Luna of this territory. Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen," he says. "Katniss, Peeta, this is my dear friend Johanna Mason, daughter of Ares and slayer of rouges."

"It's nice to meet you," I say and Katniss stays silent, obviously biting back her anger.

"Katniss Everdeen huh," Johanna says completely ignoring me. "Any relation to Ronald Everdeen, Alpha of the Miner's Seam."

"He was my father," she replies coldly. "Not that it's any business of yours."

"So you are the Daughter of Selene those rouges keep talking about?" Johanna chuckles. "Funny, I thought you'd look a little more intimidating the way they speak of you." Katniss growls at her.

"I assure you, I can be much more than a story," she says. "I can show you first hand how intimidating I am. Just put down that axe."

"Katniss," I warn. "We have enough trouble with Snow without you angering a Bounty Hunter. You need to think about what you're risking if you offend her."

"Oh it's quite alright," Johanna says. "I like to see a she wolf who is able to speak her own mind. Especially a Luna with a mind of her own. She's got the kind of spunk we'll need to fight that disgusting serpent that calls himself the President of the outlanders."

"So you're familiar with Snow," Katniss says. "Come inside. We have much to discuss." She turns and I follow her.

"So just from that, you trust her?" I ask.

"I can see it in her eyes," Katniss says. "I almost think she hates Snow more than I do. She has no beef with me. There's only one thing we might end up fighting over."

"What's that?" I ask her.

"Who gets to spill his blood first."

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