Chapter 5: Meet the king

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Jason's POV:

  Annabeth was right. If you looked closely you can tell black figures were riding the Eagles.
They were flying down our direction, the only thing that slowed them down was the invincible wind.

  "Do we attack once we get down?" Hazel asked panic visible in her voice.
"No. But prepare you weapons just in case."
I bought out my coin from my pocket and flipped it until my sword landed in my hand instead of the coin.

  "Jason we have to attack." Leo said.
"No! We need them to catch us! They'll obviously take us to Percy."
"Or kill us," he muttered.
"Jason's right they're our only chance." Annabeth said, "we have to wait."

    We waited for several minutes until the Eagles became visible through the storm clouds.
They landed with a loud thud!
Frank pulled out an arrow and aimed it towards them, the rest of us following his act with our weapons.
The villain in the lead jumped down for the eagle. You couldn't see them because they all had their armor and helmet on.

  "I'm going to fry them. I can't take it anymore!" Leo yelled.
"Leo no!" But my warning came to late. Leo shot a fire ball in their direction. It didn't harm them it faded in the air because of the strong winds.

   The villain in the lead drew out his or hers sword, the other villains too. And they charged our direction.
What I remember was blurry. But with the help of the Eagles they were able to disarm us and take our weapons. Last thing I remember was being tied up, and then I was forced to drink a yellow liquid and my vision went black.


The daughter of Poseidon made her way through the forest of blood. Any tree branch that came in her way was sliced down. She walked with confidence and pride, her head held high. From far away you could tell she was just an innocent thirteen year old dressed in a pirate costume. But the thirteen year old was three thousand years old, don't let looks fool you. Anyone that came in her way would have been slaughtered in seconds. Even the animals stayed away, hiding between the shadows.

Her mission was completed. Just like her king ordered. She was going to make him proud, she had to after what she has done. His rage almost killed her, she had to make it up to him.

She made it to the cave her king was training in. Her confidence shattered replaced with fear. She bit her lip and with a deep breathe walked in.

The cave was her least favorite place on the island. It always was. It was dark, filled with bats, and the energy and power the place radiated made her want to burst.
She reached an opening between the rocks that was lit by a fire. She knelt.
"M-my lord?" She stuttered.

The figure, who was busy throwing knives at a target stopped but didn't turn to face her.
"What took you long Atlanta?" His voice blasted through her ears, making her shiver.
His voice was clam, yet controlling and powerful, it had an edge to it, he was outraged yet kept his calm. And she didn't want him to burst out of his calmness.

"S-sorry my lord. The storm you summoned slowed us down."
"I thought you said you can get past it!" He yelled.
If she said the wrong words next she would probably be shown no mercy.
"But we caught them."
"I know you did. Because I know you won't have the nerve to come here and tell me you've failed."
"O-of course my lord. But the storm was a bit too powerful but I managed to get through it and catch them."
"Are they locked up?"
"Yes. And I made them drink the night taster. They won't be awake till tomorrow morning."
"Good. Your forgiven for what you've done earlier Atalanta."
Her eyes lit up. "Thank you my lord."
He turned to face her. A devilish smile spread across his face, it would have made the devil himself go cry to his mother.
"Well then prepare the little feast we'll have for our arrivals tomorrow. You get what I mean."
She smiled. "Of course my lord," she stood up and bowed, "as you wish." She turned an left the cave.

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