Chapter 11: With Loss and Victory Part II

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Chapter 11: With Loss and Victory Part 2

Piper's POV:

The guard led us through the palace, we took a lot of rights and lefts I thought he was secretly escorting us the the dungeons. We came in front of a huge door where two guards stood at each side of it. The guard that led us knocked then opened the door.

It was another throne room but light from outside came in unlike the other one it had no windows. A huge crystal chandelier suspended from the ceiling, small candles were placed on it but instead of normal fire burning in it, it was the green Greek fire. Greek fire was extremely destructive; didn't they care about safety around here?

A red long narrow red carpet was placed from the beginning of the throne room to where the throne was placed. Unlike the other black one this throne was made out of gold, Percy was seated on it. Atlanta was kneeling before him, they were both talking, they sounded like they were arguing.

Me and Nico walked to the end and knelt. Percy noticed us and waved the guard who led us away. "Atlanta we'll speak of this later," he said obviously wanting her gone.

"But you said- '' she began but she was shut down when Percy glared at her; challenging him. She didn't argue.

In the drop of a hat, Atlanta bowed and rushed out of the throne room, glaring at us as she walked by.

Me and Nico stood up and faced him. "Why do I have a feeling that I already know why you're here?" he asked, grinning.

"If you happen to know then just agree on it." Nico stated looking deadly serious.

Percy laughed. "I'm not giving you Frank nor Annabeth forget it. Frank will be released tomorrow night; three days is three days. I'm a man of my word."

Nico laughed in return. "Man of your word. Sure. Frank you can release tomorrow night. Annabeth, she did nothing, release her."

"Why would I do that?" Percy asked.

"Why shouldn't you?" I asked him.

"This is none of your business, both of you. Me and Annabeth have something old to settle," he said glaring at us.

"I would like to remind you Annabeth's our friend; that does make it our business. Maybe you should get some friends for a change." Nico snapped.

"Nico," I warned. I knew Nico might lose it and burst any second, he had to be careful around Percy. If Percy got out of control, hell would break loose.

"No Piper! I'm sick of him! You can't go around locking and torturing people because you like it!" Nico yelled.

"It's my kingdom. My laws and my people. I get to do what I want!" Percy yelled. His eyes were turning from green to black; getting darker every minute.

"Percy please. Release Annabeth." I begged. I hated acting weak and begging but Annabeth might be in a life or death situation right now and I didn't want to push Percy to the breaking point where he might kill someone.

"I'll end her punishment," Percy said, "but you go fetch her. Not me."

"Excuse me!" Nico asked.

"Stop it Nico! What do you mean go fetch her ourselves?"

"Annabeth's somewhere in the woods. Locked up somewhere. You simply have to go find her and free her. Simple." Percy said.

"Yeah," Nico sniggered, "simple."

"We'll go with it!" I said before Nico decided to add another comment that may start World War III. "We'll find her. Come on Nico." I bowed and turned to leave, Nico following behind me.

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