Chapter 7: The killing games Part I

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First of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD!! PERCY JACKSON!! I love him so much you guys have no idea, sure he's fictional and all but he really made me believe in myself as a person, hey a fictional character can effect someone he's amazing and I can't wait to read the greek heroes because it will be the last Percy POV we'll ever read, yet who knows. Anyway I just love this time of year WHATEVER I'll STOP THIS NONSENSE NOW I JUST LOVE YOU PERCY YOUR AMAZING HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! AND ITS PERCABETH'S ANNIVERSARY MY OTPPPPPPPPPPPPP THE FEEEELLLSSS ARE EXPLODING! yeah I'll stop now. ANYWAY HERE'S TE CHAPTER YOU ALL DESERVE I wanted to updated earlier but I was realllllllyyyyyy sick, my throat hurt so much I could hardly eat. And I wanted to update on Percy's Birthday 🎂🎂

Narrator's POV:

The black lines were still spreading across his eyes, who knew what these lines represented, a diseases? Maybe. But he was sure they represented darkness, the darkness he wanted to let out for so long, something he tried to stop but couldn't. And when he finally did, things went his way, he found his happiness.

He glanced at his sword, the blood now dried, he picked it up the sword reflecting his smile like a mirror, he himself didn't know what was going on with him, he didn't want it to stop, no it would ruin things.

The only thing that would ruin his plans were his new visitors, sent by the gods, they were powerful, he knew it himself, instead of killing them why not befriend them? Let them join his side so he can reduce Olympus to ashes once and for all, but he shouldn't rush or else it would destroy things, patience.

This place will change them, he knows it. So let the place change them, he'll have to be patient because patience was his only way to success.


Jason's POV:

  "I'm going to briefly sum up the rules for the games, okay?" Atlanta said  standing in front of our cabin's door.

We all nodded. "Okay."

 She stepped in and faced us. "Okay its not much different than capture the flag. Their are two teams and one flag-"

"Hold your tongue! One flag?" Leo asked.

She rolled her eyes, "yes. The flag is hidden somewhere on the island. Each team will be stationed at the other end of the island. So you may be stationed on North or South. Meanwhile in the east and west their will be monsters hiding, we provide them as an extra challenge. So each team has to work on finding the flag, the team who crosses their side with the flag wins."

"Okay. Understood. But why do you call it the killing games?" Annabeth asked.

Atlanta smiled, "because you get to kill," she saw our reactions and continued, "you don't actually die!"

"But everyone in here is immortal? I mean I know our kind of immortality is the one where you can die in battle, but don't you guys lose a lot of demigods because of this." Piper asked.

"Let me explain. Everyone in here is immortal right?" She asked. We all nodded.

"Sure were immortal but not godly immortal, which means we can die in battle. But during the killing games Percy, thanks to his powers," she eyed us all when she said that, "he casts a curse on us. If during the game you were lying on the ground dying you would be eliminated and you would shimmer, which at this point counts you dead, but when you shimmer you appear back in your cabin safe and sound, you aren't dead nor injured, your just eliminated, but during the game considered dead. Understood?"

"Oh! Makes sense." Piper said, "smart way actually."

Atlanta's eyes widened at her for Piper's sudden friendly way, but I know Piper, she's doing this to try to make us fit in. That daughter of Aphrodite you shouldn't mess with, I speak from experience.

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