Chapter 34: Long Live the King Part I

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After locking Annabeth up in one of the rooms they walked deeper into the ancient ruined palace until Jason halted in front of a wooden door at the end of the hallway. "I'll release him in there and I'll have full control of him because I'm the one holding the box." Jason said as he pushed the door open. They stepped into a small round room with a single window. A chair and a table in the middle. "Ready?" Jason asked, his eyes scanning each and every one of them. They nodded in response. Jason pulled the box from his jacket's pocket and placed it in his palm, pointing towards the chair. He took in a deep breath and removed the lid.

Black smoke erupted from the box, filling the space around them. The room began to shake violently and they all lost their balance. However, Jason still held the box in his hands, not daring to let it go. The black smoke collided in front of him, taking the shape of a man. Then, in matter of seconds, Percy appeared before them. He was still in his black armor with riptide at his side. The room stopped shaking as he sat down on the chair and propped his legs on the table. "About damn time," he said with a smirk on his face. "It's tight in there."

Jason rolled his eyes and stepped closer to him. "I'll say this once Percy, I'm the one holding the box which means I can control you. We're trying to help you, by disobeying the Olympians."

"I think you might have to say that again Jason. I usually zone out when you start speaking. You're boring, lighten up a little." Percy said with a grin plastered across his face. "One of you is missing, where's my dear Annabeth?" Piper stepped forward, her arms crossed against her chest. "That is not your concern, she's busy."

"Busy being locked up somewhere, I guess?" The king of darkness asked. The shocked looks not their faces told him everything. "What? I'm not an idiot." He simply said.

"Why did you sell her out then? Why tell me that she told you I posses the box?" Jason asked. Percy shrugged, clearly bored, as if Annabeth was another toy in his game and her use was done. "She was no longer useful to me. I had to make sure she was taken care of."

"Percy, listen to yourself. The darkness is doing this to you. You love Annabeth and you know it." Hazel argued.

He burst out laughing, a real laugh. "Is this what you intend to do with me? Bring me out of the darkness? I didn't know you were all desperate."

"If you won't cooperate, I'll end you right now. Right here." Jason warned. Percy spread his arms, a sign of welcome for Jason to try. "Come on lightning boy, be the hero you so badly want to be."

Jason shook his head in disbelief. "I should've ended you on that battlefield."

"Ha! But we both know why you didn't." Percy said removing his legs from the table and leaning in closer. "It's because you can't. Everyone knows you are not on my level. Which is why you agreed to Frank's plan in the first place."

"What are you talking about?" Jason asked. But his eyes sold him, the fear that was evident in them. "You left the island because you knew I don't stand a chance of being saved, you know I can't be saved from who I truly am. I'm the demigod that represents the darkness Jason! But you knew you can't end me in battle so you took the safe way out, locking me up in a box."

Jason had turned pale and countenance was unreadable. "In other words lightning boy, you just doomed everyone by brining me here. Your fear of losing will make Olympus mine." Percy's black blood appeared, spreading across his face. "Don't you get it by now Jason? My plan was for you to bring me here! What type of hero are you now?"

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