Chapter 18: The Pure and the Dark

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A demigod is more than what history has told, not just a being that is half human half god. Demigods posses great power, that power is divided into two sectors; light and dark. If a demigod chooses to follow the path of good, the light, their power will can only be used for good. But if a demigod follows the path of darkness and destruction their powers can only be used to erupt chaos. Once the demigod chooses which path to follow, and their souls become linked to it, their powers become only usable for the side they had chosen. If their powers become usable for only one side, the color of their blood changes, once it has changed, it can never be returned.

If they chose to follow the darkness, their blood will turn black, and it will be evident through their skin, if they choose to follow the light, their blood turns golden.

There has never been evidence of a demigod whose blood has changed, because the rule is simple: there is bad in good and good in bad. But, legend has told that there shall be a prophecy, one about a demigod who chose to follow the darkness, another about a demigod who chose to follow the light. Both of these demigods shall battle, the winner shall rule. Both of the prophecies have been destroyed in the war of the Olympians against the Titans.

Hazel slammed the book shut, letting out a deep perturbed sigh. Frank and Jason, sat next to her at each side, engulfed in silence. Percy was the demigod who chose the darkness, Hazel was sure of that. But has his blood color changed? If not, then there is still hope. If his blood has changed, they'll have to rely on the demigod who chose the light to be their salvage.

"Do you think it happened?" Jason asked, breaking the unbearable reticence. Frank shook his head. Even after all the pain Percy put him through, Frank still believed in his friend, they've been through so much together, she understood his affliction.

"Percy is still walking the path to darkness, he hasn't reached a dead end, I'm sure of it." Frank insisted, frustration flickered in his eyes.

"I'm not saying he had completely transformed, but he will eventually if we don't do something about it." Jason explained.

"We are trying to do something about it, if you've cared to notice." Frank snapped.

Jason's eyes widened, his voice rising. "I have noticed. But we aren't doing enough, it might be too late even."

Frank rolled his eyes. "And I thought you were optimistic, I thought you were someone who didn't let go of hope."

"I'm not losing hope, I'm just trying to be realistic, we should expect the worse!" Jason yelled.

Before Frank could turn into some animal and tear Jason to shreds, Hazel stepped in, giving the boys a piece of her mind.

"Stop acting like a bunch of monkeys fighting over a banana and start acting like grown ups! If you don't stop I'll come down on both of you, harder than Gaea would've on all of us! Even Leo is more mature." She said, grabbing the two books and making her way out of the library.

Frank and Jason exchanged glances before racing after Hazel.


Annabeth, Piper, Leo and Nico stayed behind the group a few steps, they needed the privacy to discuss the sudden betrayal of the Olympians.

Percy walked at the head of the group, the other Upper Guards hurrying behind them as they ventured deep into the Island's jungle in hope of finding monsters to put to end.

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