Chapter one: the call, planes, and a black SUV

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Anna's POV

"Hello?" I question grogily into the phone. It's 5am here, who would be calling at this hour. Well it could be Sarah, she lives in England with her boyfriend Harry. I wish I lived there.

"Hey, it Sarah. So guess what?" Sarah said all excitedly. See I guessed right!

"Whaatt," i moaned into the phone.

"I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sarah screamed.

"No way! Congradulations. How long have you been engaged?" I asked, well she had a good reason to call, but she knows me. I sleep ALL DAY!!!!!!!

"About 3 hours. So i was calling because i was wondering if you wanted to be my maid of honor?"

"YES!!! I TOTALLY WILL!!!!" i shout.

"Cool so can you fly out here on Saturday to meet the rest of the wedding party and pick out dresses. I bought your plane ticket already, I'm emailing it over now."

"I guess I can, I dont have a guy to occupy my time." I said kinda sarcasticly.

"ok see you saturday, bye."

"bye," i say as she hangs up. I check the day today and its Friday at 5:30 am. ugh only one day to pack, YAY!!!!! I then open my email, the ticket is sitting in my inbox. I read all the details, the fliight leaves at midnight tonight, i didnt even think planes left that early. I send it to the printer in my office. Well i better start packing.



My flight leaves in one hour, im sitting in an airport with only a few people here. I bet we are all on the same flight. Out of the cornor of my eye, i see my friend Maggie coming at a sprint down the walkway.

"Anna!" Maggie shouts as she runs up and hugs me.

"Maggie! How are you?" i say as i hug her back.

"I'm good, just coming back from Los Angelas. How about you?" maggie asks.

"I'm good, still a single pringle, its really lonely not having you next door as often."

"i know, I miss it to. Can you believe Sarah is engaged? To Harry Styles! and we are the bridesmaids." Maggie says.

"i can't either! i am really excited maybe i will get my chance with louis. I just can't belive your dating Liam Payne!"

"Trust me, I can't either. The way we met was really weird i will tell you on the plane."

"OK." i say. Then our flight was called. We both quiclky got up and gathered our things and headed to our gate. As we were walking we grabbed our tickets and handed them to the lady scanning them.

"Have a nice flight," the overly-too cheery woman said. Then we walked into the jetway, to get on the plane.

"I'm so pumped for this!" Maggie said to me.

"Me too," I said as we continued walking. FINNALY, we made it to the plane, it was a very long walk. Luckily our tickets were in first class so we threw our bags above us and sat down.

"I have always loved first class seats, much more comy, and free food!" Maggie said.

"I love free food, so tell me about Liam," I say as we take off into the stars.



"Hello passengers, this is your captain speaking we are making our final decent into London-Hearthrow, please have your passports ready as you exit the plane, we will be landing shortly, it is 7 AM in London at the moment......" The captain spoke as I slowly woke up from my slumber, Maggie was wide awake drinking orange juice, intently listening to the captain as her eyes wandered around the plane. She's multi-tasking in her head, the excitement of being here, listening, and remembering where her passport is. She always does this, everytime I've flown with her she has. Then she says

"Good morning Anna, how was your sleep?"

"Fine, how long have you been up?"

"An hour or so, I sleep horrible on planes. Are you excited to finally be in London?"

"Yes, yes I am, but nervous because I am going to meet my biggest celebrity crush!"

"You will be fine," Maggie said. Then we landed with a huge thud and quickly slowing dwon across the runway. As we pulled up to the gate I got out my phone and texted Sarah saying we had landed and also grabbed my passport. Maggie did the same, but instead texted Liam. they annouced we were free to get off the plane. Maggie and I grabbed our things and exited the plane.

"Ready," Maggie asked.

"Yes," I responded.



"Well that was easy, " I said as we exited customs into the mass of people.

"About the easiest one I have went through." Maggie stated. Maggie and I searched for Sarah in the maddness, and I spotted her holding a huge sign that said MAGGIE AND ANNA, MY FUTURE BRIDESMAIDS!!!!!!!!!

"I fpound her!" I shouted at Maggie, as soon as she heard we ran over to the area I saw it, and there stood Sarah, smile on her face, wearing nothing fancy, but you could see her engagement ring sparkling from 40 ft away.

"SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!" Maggie and I screamed as we engulfed her in a huge hug.

"Hey girls, thanks for coming on such short notice. C'mon our ride is waiting," Sarah said as we let her go. Then we took off out of the building to our ride.

"Congradulations!" I said,

"Yeah," Maggie says as we hop in a black SUV with tinted windows.

"OH MY GOSH!!!!!" Maggie squeals as she sits down in the SUV.

"What?" I ask as I climb in and see One Direction sitting in the back.

"Hi," I say

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