We found the dress, and I feel like I'm being watched

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Anna's POV


I walked into dressing room and put on one dresses I pulled, It was sweatheart neckline, chiffon in this pretty aquamarine color, it had a cute belt on it, which tied in a knot. I actually like this dress, and I wouldn't mind wearing it. I opened the door and walked out, I saw two guys looking in the window, they look alot like Louis and Zayn. Just with beards and hats on, hmmmmmmm. As I turn my head, I see Maggie in the awful, one shoulder, neon pink dress that cuts off at the ankle, and on the one shoulder is the oversized flower that keeps hitting her in the face. Sarah was just giving it a look of disgust, I started laughing, which made everyones head turn towards me. Sarah gasped and smiled, Maggie smile was huge.  I looked out the window again and saw another set of boys, who looked like Niall and Liam with Hats, beards and moustaches. Then Sarah said

"That's it, I love that dress! and your cofortable wearing it right?"

"Yes, I really like this dress," I said.

"I love that dress," Maggie said. Then me and Maggie had the exact same thought

"So are you saying yes to this dress?" we said in unison.

"Yes!" Sarah said. we ran up and hugged her. after we released her, we went and changed into are clothes, but before I went in I looked at the window, and saw a guy who looked extremely like hair just with a bald cap and shades on. I went over to Sarah and said

"Do you feel like we are being watched, beacause I do, and the guy lookin gin the window looks extremely like Harry." Sarah said yes she was feeling like that and when she turned around, she pointed at him, and he ran away down the street. Then I got changed and we went to the counter to order the dresses. When we were done we got in the car and drove to a restaurant. Sarah called Harry to tell them to meet us there. When we arrived the boys had already got us a table.  The chairs open were one next to Harry, which Sarah took and Two next to Liam and Louis, Maggie and I took those to. The boys and everyone talked to eachother till the waitress came.

"Hi, may I take your order?" she asked. Everyone ordered something, except me and Maggie didn't get to choose, Liam and Louis ordered something for us. "I'll be right back with that," she said, then she walked away. Then Sarah spoke.

"So girls, since there is alot of stuff going on here in London wiht the wedding, I was wondering if you guys wanted an apartment out here, just so you don't have to fly all the time."

"YES!!!!!" we shouted. I could find a job here, there are always nurse positions, and Maggie is a travel blogger, she can do that from anywhere. I'm so excited!!!!!!! Then our food came, placed infront of Maggie and I was fish and chips, which was amazing!

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm," Maggie and I said. "This is so good," I said with my mouth full. Everyone started laughing. I love it when louis laughs, it's so angelic like. After we had finished Maggie's phone, and Zayn's phone rang. Maggie had to keep saying CALM DOWN SAMI!!!!!!!!. then they hung up at the same time, creepy.

"Well I'm sorry to cut my visit to London short, but I must fly home. Sami is an emotional wreck and just kept screaming COME HOME NOW!!! So I have to go see what's wrong."

"I'll drive you to the airport," Liam says as he stands up. He grabs some money and hand it to Harry whispering something in his ear. Then they say bye and leave. then Zayn says

"Management wants to talk to me about something, so I must leave as well. Bye guys!" He also hands Harry money and leaves. I wonder what's up with them.



I wonder what's up with Zayn and who is Sami?

You'll just have to find out in my new story coming soon


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