I am the made of honor, and I hate dresses

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Anna POV


"Hey," I say.

"Heeeeeellllllllllloooooooooooooo," Louis said to me as I sat down. My gosh was he so hot, and hillarious. His perfect brown hair, his pools of blue eyes, he's all I've ever dreamed of. Now he's here, sitting right behind me. I am flipping out. All the boys said there hello's and we took off. Maggie and Liam were talking to eachother the entire ride, while I made small talk with the rest of the boys.

"So, what's your name?" Zayn asked me.

"Anna, so you guys are in One direction right?" I ask, of course I knew, but I didn't know what to ask.

"Yes we are, so Anna are you dating any one?" Louis asks me.

"Nope, I'm a single pringle, much like yourself Louis." I say.

"Nice," Louis says.

"So Anna, what's your favorite food?" Niall asks.

"I like all food." I say, wow I seem really shy and quiet right now. The boys and I kept talking until we arrived at, what I assume was Harry and Sarah's house. Then we all got out and went inside. The boys ran upstairs and jumped on to the couch. So Maggie and I followed in suit. Then Harry spoke

"So as you all know, Sarah and I are engaged!" This got a bunch of cheers from everybody. When we all quieted down, Harry spoke again "And we have you here because you are all in the wedding party. A couple of the girls couldn't make it today, so you will get to meet them later on. We have you here to help us with things, and to get to know eachother better. Now we just would like to say who is the maid of honor and who is the best man."

"Anna is my Maid of Honor!" Sarah said

"Louis is my Best man!" Harry said.Then everyone cheered again. "So I think the girls are going bridesmaid dress shopping today while me and the guys do something. Right Sarah?"

"Yea thats right so girls let's go shopping!" Sarah said excitedly. She kissed Harry and ran down the stairs with Maggie and I close behind her. She hopped in the drivers seat while Maggie and I Hopped in the back. Then we drove downtown to a little shop dress shop. She paralell parked and we ran into the shop.

"Hi, were here to look at bridesmaid dresses." Sarah said to the lady behind a counter.

"Ahhh, yes right this way," she said as she lead us to the back of the shop. As we turn the cornor the walls are coated in different dresses and colors. I love all the colors that line the walls, but not the dresses. I absolutly despise dresses, so this is not exciting or fun. It is abosolutly horrible! "Pick out any you like to try on and just go in these rooms over here." the lady said.

"Thanks," Sarah called as the lady walked away. "okay guys, grab a few dresses and try them on."

"Okay," Maggie said as she started look around and pull dresses.

"Anna, please just try on 2 dresses, Please?" Sarah asked

"Why can't I just wear pants?" I ask, Sarah shook her head no. "UgGGHHHHH fine but I'm only doing this for you." I say as grab 2 dresses and  hop into the dressing room.

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