Oxford Street shopping!

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Anna's POV


"Alrighty then," I said as I ran down the stairs, with Sarah in tow. I ran into the garage and hopped into the passenger seat, while Sarah jumped into the drivers seat. As I buckled up she beagn backing out of the garage and driveway. I turned up the radio and Live While Were Young by One Direction was playing. Sarah and I looked at eachother and began to sing at the top of our lungs. We sang and laughed to every song as we drove to Oxford street. Once we arrived, we search for a spot to park, which there wasn't one. We had to park a block away and walk in. I groanded as we walked  down the street, Sarah just laughed at me, I glared at her. As we turned the cornor, I gasped, there was so amny shops and souveniers stands!

"I think I'm gonna go broke today," I said. Sarah laughed,"Literally Sarah! I am going to buy everything." Then we walked down the street. All I see are big name stores Buberry, Louis vutton, Marc Jacobs,Neman Marcus, all the good ones and shops like Forever 21, Topshop, Charlotte Russe, Aerpostale, anything you could think of. I went into Topshop first, Sarah and I picked up everything and tried it on. I found a really cute shirt, it was floral print and has the flowers in a buch of neon colors. I found some jeans, shorts, tanks and jacket. Sarah got alot of stuff to. I paid for my stuff and walked out. I went into Coach next, I need a new purse really bad. I found one I really liked, It was black and had the C's all over it. It' was alot of money but I still got it, who said you can't splurge on yourself every once and a while! Sarah got a new wallet, and we left. I saw the Nike store, I went in it and two nike shirts that said Nike London on it. One for my brother and one for Maggie, she collects these for some reason. I paid and left. We went into alot of other stores also. I went into a souvinier shop and bought a t-shirt and keychain. We left Oxford street with armloads of bags.

"Well, that was a fun-filled day!" Sarah said as we loaded the backseat and trunk.

"Yes. It was, I spent way to much money, if I get that apartment down here I will be broke for sure!" I said as we got in the car and drove back to Sarah's house. We sang all the way home to the radio. When we got home we unloaded our stuff and put my stuff in the room I was staying in. I helped Sarah with her stuff and when we were done Harry was home. He looked exhausted, Probably didn't sleep last night.

"Hey. How was Zayn?" Sarah asked.

"Horrible, he cried all night long. I didn't sleep good, Louis,Niall, and I took turns comforting him till Liam came this afternoon. Then we had Liam do it for tonight so we could sleep. I need to be nice to your family tomorrow."Harry said. "Managment wants him to stay out of the public eye for a few weeks. Luckily if we announce the engagement soon, everyone will focus on us instead of Zayn."

"Cool," Sarah said."We can annouce it after we tell our families."

"Ok" Harry said.

"Hey Sarah I'm going to bed, night guys!" I said as I ran down the stairs. I wanted to get out of that conversation fast. I packed up all my new purchases and lied in bed texting Maggie about the apartments. I fell asleep quiclky and dream about Louis and I.

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