Chapter 1

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“Set Fire to the Rain”

2011 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1

Today, September 14, 2011

     “One. Two. Three.  Four. Waaaatch Out! Our spirit is shining through.  It’s outrageous, contagious, Hey, were coming after you!”  Hope cheered loudly with her squad as the Golden State Warriors scored yet again.    Her blue and yellow pom poms flailed above her head as she jumped in the air and landed in a perfect split.

     “Show off,” Bethany sneered as she stood over her but her eyes were dancing with laughter.

     Hope stood and flashed a brilliant smile of her own back at her best friend since elementary school.

     “If you got it, why not flaunt it,” she replied and then proceeded to  sashay around Bethany adding a little extra hip action to prove her point.

     “So true,” Bethany said.  “But you don’t need to flaunt it girly, you already have the hottest guy in the school conveniently wrapped around your perfectly pink manicured finger”.

     Hope stopped and glanced over her shoulder to stare out at the field.  Joey Loggins, the handsome quarterback of the football team had just taken off his helmet and was staring back at her.  A smudge of dirt showed on his right cheek and his hair was all sweat dampened and mused.  

     “Alpha sexy,” Hope growled under her breath as she openly blew a kiss to him.   He held up his hand and pretended to catch it and offered her a smile of his own.

     “More like nasty sexy, if you ask me,” Bethany spoke up scrunching her nose interrupting their little show of love play.

     Hope nudged her shoulder into her friend knocking her slightly off balance.  

     “Your just jealous,” she added as she bent down to pick up her pom poms off the concrete.

     “Damn straight!” Bethany answered sincerely.  “Who wouldn’t love to have their very own Joey Loggins to cuddle with after standing in the cold for two hours cheering at a football game?“

     Hope stood there and stared proudly at her man across the field and watched him as he spoke with his team and ironed out the next play.  She took her time in looking him over from head to toe, admiring how nicely his butt fit into the navy football pants he wore.

     “I think I’m going to do it,” she whispered so that only Bethany’s ears could hear.
Bethany was standing beside her but had her eyes peeled on another player, Anthony, the all state kicker.

     “Do what?” she replied off handedly still ogling Anthony as he stretched out his legs.

     “You know, do it,” Hope repeated.  “I mean I really think Joey may be the one.”

     Hope had not taken her eyes off the field when the words that she said finally reached Bethany’s ears.  Bethany turned to her friend and roughly grabbed her by the shoulders.

    “What the hell Hope?  You mean it as in the dirty, dirty?” she squealed bringing the attention of the entire cheer leading squad on them.

     Hope shook her head in agitation as her cheeks flushed ruby red, “Way to go Bethany," she said bitterly, “Why not just announce it to the whole town?”

     Bethany glanced down looking a bit sheepish and let go of Hope’s shoulders.

     “I’m sorry,” she apologised quietly while taking a step back.  The irony of it was that the one thing about Bethany everyone knew was that she was never the quiet type.

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