Chapter 18

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"Set Fire to the Rain"

 2011 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 18

Liam opened up the door to his truck and waved the key card, "We have a room." 

"I see that," Hope offered him a small smile and slid over so that he could get in the truck.  She was tired, exhausted really, and would love nothing more than to take hot shower and have the ability to lay down and rest for a bit.  These past few days had been hell for her and just a few hours of calm seemed like a commodity not to be taken lightly now.

"Room 104," Liam added, closing the driver side door behind him.  He put the keys in the ignition and started the tuck.  "The guy in the office said it's just around back."  

Hope kept her eyes glued to the outside passenger window.  There wasn't much to see except the darkness of the night.  So many things were crowding her mind at the moment.  So many problems, so many issues that she had no answers for. 

Everything that she once thought or even cared about seemed so frivolous now.  Something as simple as her very freedom was at stake.  She had never thought twice about it in the past because it was always just there.  Now she was running....fighting just for the privilege of keeping it.

Liam turned the corner and pulled into a parking space, the head lights illuminating the numbers on the door, 104.  Turning off the car he glanced over at Hope and felt that familiar tug in his chest.  He couldn't understand it but like he had told her earlier, he was tired of fighting it.  Reaching over, he grabbed her hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. 

"There's only one bed though," he mentioned and held his breath while he waited to see her reaction.  They may have gotten a little closer over the last few days because of their precarious predicament, but he was sure that she wasn't ready to go sharing a bed with him. 

Hope narrowed her eyes on him, "Only one bed?"

He grimaced at her accusing tone.  Holding his hands up he told her, "It's all I could afford."

She looked down at their joined hands, another wave of helplessness washing over her.  Liam had been nothing but nice to her.  He had helped her when she didn't even understand what was going on. He didn't have to that but he did.  He could have left her alone to try and figure it out.  Looking back up, she met his eyes and felt a sizzling arc of energy pass between them.  His eyes widened slightly in surprise but he didn't say a word.  He just stared back at her.

"It's alright," she finally told them.  "We'll make do somehow."

Liam nodded.  "Come on, lets get you in the room.  I need to ditch the truck and find us another ride.  The Secret Service would recognize this in a heart beat."  He rubbed his hand along the black leather on the dash.  "I sure am going to miss this though.  First thing that I ever bought by myself."

Hope saw the longing in his eyes and without thinking she reached up and brushed a kiss on his lips.    "I'm sorry," she told him. 

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