Chapter 21

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I ran all the way to my car without stopping even though I heard people calling my name. I cant believe the nerve of him, instead of asking me he just chose to go and embarrass me after I spent so much time on getting that damn jersey. I shouldn't have gave it to him, I should've burned it.

I went home and got In my bed, I just didn't want to be bothered after that. I feel so embarrassed and stupid for trusting him. Right when I got comfortable under my covers someone went and rung the doorbell. I went and looked through the peep hole and saw it was Connor and I opened the door.

"Are you Okay I saw you running to your car ?"

Once he said that I told Connor the whole story starting from the beginning all the way to the end not missing a single detail.

"Lauren you can tell Nathan the truth, I don't want to come in between y'all relationship."

"It's not you, he just has his own insecurities that he doesn't know how to deal with."

"Oh well if you need anything just call me in the mean time just call me, with that being said I got to go."

"Where you going ? You got a date ?"

I said it at first just joking but then I saw his cheeks get red which means he really do have a date. I started getting all excited and nosey.

"Who is it ? Tell me ? You know you want to tell me !" I say getting all up in his face being nosey

"Chill you hyperactive energizer bunny." He say laughing

"Well I will if you just tell me."

"Okay but don't judge"

"I'm not, just tell me. "

"Alright.... It's Brittany."

I sat there thinking for about a minute trying to remember if we had a Brittany in our grade or even in our school then it hit me like lightening and my eyes went wide.

"The nerd ?" I say confused

"Your judging, and she's not a nerd she's just smart. She's actually pretty, funny, nice but she's just shy."

"Well if you like her then that's all that matters, I think it's sweet how you don't care about what other people think."

"I don't but she does, I don't want people at school to be picking on her."

"Well if they do I promise to have her back."  I say

"Thanks it means a lot "

"You better get going before you be late for your date." I say pushing him out the door

*Nathan's POV*

I felt like an idiot as I stood there reading the back of the jersey, scratch that I felt like an ass hole.  I saw her running away crying and just didn't know what to do. I looked as my fellow team mates walked by me shaking there head like they were disappointed in me.

"That was fun, you're a even bigger ass hole then I thought. " Casey said laughing and walking off

I just changed my clothes and went home and took a long shower. I can't believe what I have done. I ordered me a pizza and waited for him to come after 20 minutes I heard the door bell ring. I opened it and saw Connor.

"What do you want ? You came to tell me how much of an asshole I am too ?" I say not letting him in

"That and to also tell you why you saw me and Lauren hugging. It was a friend hug and I was thanking her for helping me make a huge decision that I could only trust her with. Lauren and I are just friends, I actually have to go I have a date that i'm about to be late for but you should go apologize for jumping to conclusions and being an asshole."

"Look I know I was an asshole alright you don't have to tell me." I say getting aggravated

"Obviously I do because if you knew and believed it like you say then I wouldn't be here talking to you. Instead you would be over at Lauren house talking to her. Anyways I have to go I have a date, I don't want to grow up lonely like you."

Even though I didn't like him I knew he was right so I grabbed my car keys and went over to Lauren house. I knocked on the door at least three times before  Amber opened the door giving me a disgusted look and slammed the door in my face. I rung the door bell once again.

"Go away your presence isn't wanted here so Toodles." Amber says waving her hand at me

"Let him in." I heard Lauren say walking down the stairs

"Nope, not in a million years." Amber said not budging from in front of the door

"Lucas, Amber middle name is ......." But Lauren couldn't finish because Amber wrapped her hand around her mouth.

"Fine he may enter." Amber said going upstairs to give Lauren and I some privacy

"Look I'm so sorry for everything that happened, im a total idiot and asshole. When I seen you hugging him in the hallway I just assumed the worst and thought y'all where still together and you was trying to play e, but I should've known better and I should've asked you about it instead of trying to make a fool of you at the game but in the end I ended up making a fool of myself. Lately you have been the only person that was there for me and cared for me. and I think...." I say looking up directly in her beautiful eyes

"I think, scratch that I know that I'm in love with you." I say looking at her eyes getting watery

"I love you too ." Lauren said hugging me and kissing me

But then she stopped, grabbed my lips and twisted them so hard that my eyes started getting watery.

"If you ever put your lips on someone else other then me then you will no longer have these lips. Kapeesh ?"

She said still twisting my lips, I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head repeatedly.


So what do you guys think about me creating a sequel to this book ? Well comment and let me know or comment and give me new book ideas because in a couple of chapters this book will be finish.  Also comment and let me know what you think of this chapter. Your opinion does matter to me

~~XOXO, CrazyKayla

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