Chapter 7

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Why did my life have to be so complicated ? What did i do to deserve all of this drama ? My bestfriend is a slut who likes going after guys that like me, the guy i do like thinks that i have feelings for a guy who house i have to stay at sometimes while his parents are out of town. My life is like an episode of The Vampire Diaries except i don't have two incredible hot vampires fighting over me, i wish i did though.

I was so happy that it was Saturday, because i really didn't feel like going to school. I just wanted to lay  in my bed all day and watch movies.

While watching identity thief i felt my phone vibrate. I looked at the screen and saw that Amber was calling me. I rolled my eyes and answered the phone.

"Im suprised your calling. Don't you have a fake bestfriend you should be hanging out with"

"Kill the dramatics im about to pull in the yard, open the door."

I hang up and jump off my bed to go open the door. I walk downstairs and saw that Corey was opening the door. Was he ever at his own house ?

"Hey goregous" Corey says as he opens the door to let Amber in.

"Put your boner back in your pants, i didn't come here for you."

I couldn't hold my laughter after Amber said that.

"Well how about you come and help me put it away since you're the one who cause it"

"I didn't come her for you."

Amber says grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hallway.

"You know he's in love with you" I say jumping on my bed laughing.

"He doesn't even know what love is ! Anyways, that's not what i came here for."

"What did you come here for ?"

"I came to warn you about Casey. The girl has gone crazy."

"How crazy ?"

"Brittany Spears crazy."

"Thats bad! We have a huge problem."

"It's worse than you think. All her anger and rage is aimed at you."

"Me ? Why me ?"

"Cause she thinks that your out to get her and that you're turning everyone against her."

"And yet you call me over-dramatic."


Tomorrow Nathan Mom will be coming home and i can't wait. Im sick of staying in the same house as him. It's literally ruining my life, and no im not being over dramatic. Every since i've been staying here My bestfriend hates me and Connor won't talk to me. The faster Nathan mom comes back the better.

I decided to just spend tonight in my sweats seeing how im sick with a cold. I hate being sick, i look disgusting. So i don't really have a choice but to stay in the house. Amber was going to stay the night with me but that would've mean't that she had to cancel her date, and i don't even know who her date is with. But i will find out though.

While laying in my bed i heard a knock at the front door. I opened the door thinking it was Amber and boy i was wrong.

"What are you doing here ?"

"Now is that anyway to treat your doctor who came all the way over here just to make you feel better." Connor says with a smirk.

"How did you know i was sick ?"

"Believe it or not Amber called me and said she felt bad for not cancelling her date, so she sent me over here to make you feel better"

"Well Thank you Amber" I say with a giggle

"Now you go lay in the bed and pick a movie while i fix some soup."

I decided to pick the twilight series. Little do Connor know he's about to sit through 5 movies with me.

Connor comes back in the room with my soup, cuddles up next to me and cuts on the movie.

"You must really like me." I say laying on his chest.

"Why you say that ?"

"Because any guy that is willing to watch all 5 of the twilight movies with me and deal with me while im sick and look digusting must really like me."

"Or deep down im a sweet guy who just wants to spend time with you and doesn't care how you look."

"Either you're a really sweet guy who acts like an asshole on occasion or your gay." I say and we both bust out laughhing.

"Does that mean that you're not still mad at me ?" I say while looking up at connor

"I realized that i may have blew the whole thing out of porportion. If you say you don't have feelings for him than i just have to believe you. It's just that i got so mad because i know how he is and i didn't want you to fall for a guy like that. "

"I would never fall for a guy like that."


Nathan's POV

I decided to go home and check on Lauren cause i heard she wasn't feeling to well. I walked in the house and went up to the guest room that she will only be staying in for one more night because my mom comes home tomorrow.

I open the door and saw her laying cuddled up next to Connor with her head on his chest and his arm wrapped around her. As soon as i saw that i went ahead and shut the room door. I couldn't stand that sight. And to think i was actually starting to feel bad for her because she was sick.

I guess the rumors about her at school were true, she is just a flirt and that's all she ever will be to me.


~ So there were a couple of you who inspired me to write some more chapters on this book. Now i can't promise that i will finish this story but i will promise to try. Thanks to all the people who have been reading this story.

~~Love, Kayla

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