Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sun beaming in my room. I knew that someone had to open my curtains, i looked at the clock and saw that it was 10 in the morning. Their was only three people in this world that was stupid enough to wake me up this early. My mom, My bestfriend, and the devil. I hope it's the devil cause the other two are going to get a serious fussing out.

"Wake up sleepy head, the day awaits and i want breakfast."

"Amber how in the holy hell did you get in my house and why are you bothering me at 10 in the morning ?"

"Your mom and dad let me in while they were leaving for work. Besides i want breakfast plus i want to go with you to babysit."

"You only want to go so you can meet the guy."

"True so get up."

"Im not suppose to be meeting her till this afternoon."

"Well good then we have time to go get breakfast."

"Why couldn't you have gotten drunk last night ? I like it when your drunk because on the next day you sleep in all day."

"Dont get your panties in a wand. Now go get dressed, who car are we taking ? Yours or mines ?"

"Yours because you're driving."

"Nathan's POV"

I decided to go for a run with Corey so i would't have to be there when the babysitter got there. It's not that i didn't want to meet the babysitter, it's just that i didn't feel like hearing my mom say how i need to act right and be more like that babysitter. But i hope the babysitter is hot though, because i totally need a distraction.

Since we started our run all Corey has been talking about this stupid party were throwing tonight. He keeps telling me about how many people is going to show up.

I hope it doesn't turn out like the last party, the party was fun it's just that people ended up staying home and my house looked like it had went through hurricane katrina and i spent three days alone cleaning up that mess.

Me and Corey walk in my house from our 15 minute run, we went ahead and came home because i left my wallet here and we were hungry, plus Corey wants to see who the babysitter and so do I.

We went into the kitchen because I heard my mom talking. I walk in and my mouth literally dropped to the floor.

*Lauren's POV*

The two guys walked in and i swear to you my ovaries exploded. Nathan and Corey from ours school football team was standing a couple of feet away from me with no shirt on and with sweat all over there chests.

Compose youself Lauren your drooling, when your suppose to be listening to Mrs. Baker.

"So my husband is away on a business trip, so he will call to talk to the boys. I need to warn you though Jack can be a little hyper sometimes, oh and some nights you may need to stay over."

"Why is that ?"

"Because Jack gets scared very easily. Say if their is a storm, you cannot leave him alone during those, he gets very scared. Sometimes he just wants someone to play with and sometimes he just doesn't want to be lonely or because he's scared of the dark and he might think their is a monster under his bed. "

"Okay, well that's fine."

"Im not afraid of the dark anymore mom." I hear a cute little boy say with a truck in his hand.

"Jack come meet Lauren, she's the girl whose going to be taking care of you while im away."

"I like you, you're pretty." He says to me while shaking my hand, he is so adorable.

"Haha thank you, and you're so handsome. "

"Now when you stay over, the guest room is down the hallway from Jacks and Nathans room, Nathan can show you were that is. "

Oh great my room is right down the hall from Nathan's.

"Okay now my two boys come give me a hug before i go. "

They all went and got in a group hug.

"Nathan you smell bad. Lauren smell likes candy." And once Jack came running over to me i picked him up and we both started laughing.I think this babysitting gig is going to be fun.

"Haha thats because i've been eating candy."

"What kind , i love candy."

"Gummy Bears and Gummy Worms." And once i said that his eyes looked like they were going to bust out of his head and he had this evil grin on his face.

"That's his favorite kind of candy. I can see you two are going to get along well." His mom says to me shaking her head with a smirk.

"Do you have any more ?" He says with a pleading look.

"Of course, i always keep back up candy." I grabbed it out my purse and handed him some

" I like you even more now, im glad your watching me."

"Hey dude i give you candy all the time." Nathan said, i totally forgot he was standing right there

"No you buy it for me and then eat it all. Plus you stink."

Me and Mrs. Baker busted out laughing.

"Okay, well i better get going before i miss my flight. Jack i promise to facetime you everynight before you go to bed. "

"Okay By mommy" And after Jack said that she was out the door.

*Nathan POV*

I couldn't believe that i was now left alone with the girl i've been secretly crushing on for two years. Not even my bestfriend knew that.

Speaking of my bestfriend he just left, talking about he had somewhere to be. He does that a lot lately. Hmm, i don't know maybe it's nothing.

But being around her just made me feel nauseous, aren't girls the ones who are suppose to feel like this.

*Author's Note*

Hey guys, this is my new story and i hope you like it. I want you guys to be active.

So comment and let me know what you think is going to happen next.

Plus i want your opinion on the stroy to let me know if i should keep on with this story.

So comment below.

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