Chapter 9

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 Waking up in an unfamiliar room I pulled the covers off me and went out the door. Seeing the hallway of the clubhouse events of the day started to come back to me. Oh god, my mother wants to meet Mathis. What am I going to do? I need to talk to someone about this, but who? I don't know anybody here and Marco took Amber to Italy with him, so she won't be back in the states till the job there is done. Walking into the bar area I see Mathis, Blade and Killer talking, but what me seething was that my purse was laid out onto the table in front of them. They don't even notice me, and they just start going through my purse. I guess trying to find out more about me, good luck. I don't have any information about me in my purse except for my drivers license.

I can tell by the look on Mathis's face and him being further from my purse than Killer and Blade, that he didn't and doesn't want to go through my purse. I walk away from that because if I stand there watching for much longer then I might just explode and not just on Blade but on Killer as well. I see the kitchen to my left and walk in, but in my mind that was a bad idea. There was noise going on in the kitchen with bikers and their old ladies but as soon as I walked in the noise stopped. I was annoyed and fed up with them staring at me, like get a life and find something new to stare and talk about. But I just ignored them and made me a cup of coffee, well tried to make myself a cup of coffee. Being new to this place I didn't know where everything was at, thank god for the prospects. They made me some coffee and handed me a chocolate donut.

Finishing my snack I walked back into the bar area and Blade and Killer were still going threw my purse. Rolling my eyes I walked over to them, you could tell that they were shocked that they got caught. Picking up my phone and medicine and go over to the bar and sitting in the stool that I sat in this morning. I could feel the three of them staring and I just wanted to do something to shock them. Walking over to them I bent down and gave Mathis a kiss on the cheek. I guess you could say Mathis was shocked because I had never been the one to do something compassionate unless Mathis made the first move.

"You know fellas if you wanted to know anything about me then you could have just asked." I simply said to them.

Blade was the one to open his mouth first. "How do we know if what you tell us is the truth?" Blade asked.

In the corner of my eyes I noticed the rest of the bikers in the hallway listening to this conversation. I looked back at Blade and said, "sweetheart you don't. But you also don't want to look like an ass by going through someone's purse. Blade did you go through the other old ladies purses and belongings or do I just get the special treatment?" I asked sweetly.

"Well I just don't trust your ass and just because you're married to Grim doesn't mean shit. You're still a slut that needs to learn her place." Blade said.

I was fucking pissed. I grabbed my purse and reached into one of the hidden compartments and grabbed a pistol. Pointing it at Blade and taking the safety off, I said angrily, "if I was you Blade I would be careful of who you call a slut. Because you never know who you might piss off and end up with a bullet in your skull."

Placing the pistol back into the compartment and went back to my phone. When I turned my head back to the bikers in the hallway they had their guns pointed at me. I rolled my eyes because they didn't scare me one bit. They might scare other people but they don't scare me, I've faced worse and I've got the scars to prove it. Placing my purse on the bar I turned back to Blade, I started to open my mouth to say something before my phone went off. Checking it I noticed it was a text from Marco.

"Just landed I'll be with you soon. You better have found a house you love. - Marco"

"Shit." Was all I said after reading the text. If Marco was back in the states then he will drive as fast as he can to get here in a timely manner. Everybody was looking at me curious, but I can't give a shit about them right now. I wasn't even aware of when Marco was coming back and even if I do wear makeup to cover these bruises around my neck Marco will still noticed them. And I still hadn't found a house, I'm screwed. But I think there is someone who can help, my big brother Gabriel. If Marco was coming back today then his welcome home dinner was tonight as well. That thought made me turn my head to Mathis, I still hadn't told him about my mother wanting him to come to the dinner, and knowing my mother it wouldn't be just a family dinner.

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