Chapter 18

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Waking up in a strange place with something cold at my back, getting up I see that I'm in a cell with my hand chained up and nothing is in the cold, dank, and moldy cell with me. There was two doors in front of me, the cell door and the basement I think door. I instantly want to take a shower, no telling what kind of bacteria is growing on the floor, and the second thing I noticed is that I'm kidnapped...again. Why is everyone kidnapping me? What I do know is that I got off a couple of shots and maybe wounded one of those dumbasses or maybe killed one. And thinking that I remember what had happened.

I was laying down on the couch about to fall asleep when I heard footsteps coming up the front of the front of the house, so I slowly and quietly got off the couch and went to find the weapons Marco certainly left hidden around the house. I moved my hand under the couch and felt what feels like is a rotary action pistol, pulling my hand back out with the gun and saw it was exactly what I thought it was. Hearing the front door open I slowly moved behind the wall separating the door from the living room, but before I could fire a bullet at the intruders at the front door gunfire was coming from the back and one grazed me as I was moving, the remaining bullets lodged into the spot where I was just at.

I flipped the couch onto it's back to hide me from the gunfire at the back and focused on the intruders at the front. They had probably frozen as soon as the gunfire at the back started, and now was coming in. As soon as I had seen some sort of body part I opened fire, I didn't care if what I shot was an arm, a leg, or even one of the dick's dick. Six men enter the front but I was sure I heard seven, the seventh must have gone outside after getting shot but I still opened fire on those bastards who thought it would be a good idea to enter my home when I was pissed. But a quick thought passed through my mind...these weren't Luca's men. Who the hell were they working for. The shooting stopped on their side and I took that opportunity to get to the living room table and break its legs off. It wasn't a quiet sound but there had to be something or someone more important than hearing wood snapped, still I took advantage a hit the guy who had entered the living room over the head with the broken leg. I was going to hit the guy again but then someone enter the room and I froze, his face was the last face I saw before my world went dark.

When I see that bastard I'm going to make him pay. I can't believe that bastard was using me to get back at Blade...again, it didn't work then and it sure as hell ain't going to work now. Unless Killer or Mathis tell Blade and the club who I am, and I have a little doubt that they won't. Hopefully Mathis does the right thing and calls Marco, Marco will be able to find me sooner than anybody else will. Nobody but Marco and I know this, I've got a tracker on me. Had one on me since mom married Alanzo. Marco is the only one who knows what happened in those two days six weeks after Blade left, and it was Marco's idea to have a tracker on me incase this bastard comes back.

The bastards name is Ajax, he was Blade's best friend while they were prospects. Just because The Devils MC has been in my family doesn't mean that Blade instantly became president. He had to start from the bottom up. Blade got his club patches but Ajax didn't, and Ajax believes that Blade had something do with not getting his club patches. But really I think he did it to himself, broke some rules that ensured he would never get his patches. But the idiot still hasn't let it go and left me alone. Why he's decided to come out of the shadows after eleven years I have no idea. He's a strange man, many things have changed in eleven years. There has been major changes in my life and my family's life. The three biggest changes are my mother got married, Gabe became second-in-command in the Onyx Owls and I got married. I got married!

I haven't been near my father since he left eleven years ago until I got married to the sergeant at arms in The Devils. The riddles started the same day I returned to the club, that wasn't a coincidence he was watching the club. I bet he was trying to decide when to make his move when I got out of the limo, he must have known what I looked like now and I was just icing on the cake. Play with Blade's mind while devising his plan to kidnapped me for the second time, he just had to wait till I was alone. And I stupidly gave him the opportunity. I'm kicking myself for that stupid mistake, Alanzo taught me better than that. I just hope Marco remembers the tracker.

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